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Basin and range in the Central and Southern Apennines
Blumetti, A. M.; Michetti, A. M.; Dramis, F.; Guerrieri, L.; Gentili, B.; Tondi, E.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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The surface effects of the 1908 Southern Calabria - Messina earthquake (Southern italy)
Comerci, V.; Blumetti, A. M.; Brustia, E.; Di Manna, P.; Fiorenza, D.; Guerrieri, L.; Lucarini, M.; Serva, L.; Vittori, E.
In: GRA - Volume 11
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The 1908 tsunami effects along the Messina Straits (Southern Italy): a contribution for predicting inundation scenarios
Di Manna, P.; Blumetti, A. M.; Comerci, V.; Guerrieri, L.; Serva, L.; Vittori, E.
In: GRA - Volume 11