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Signatur |
Titel |
7th International Eclogite Conference 2005: Juli 3rd - July 9th, Seggau, Austria: Abstracts, Excursions |
VerfasserIn |
A. Proyer (Ed.), K. Ettinger (Ed.) |
Konferenz |
International Eclogite Conference (7. : 2005 : Seggau)
Erscheinungsort |
Wien |
Verlag |
Österreichische Mineralogische Gesellschaft
Erscheinungsjahr |
Seiten |
279 S.
Illustrationen |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Begleitmaterial |
Tectonic map of the Alps / S.M. Schmid, B. Fügenschuh, E. Kissling and R. Schuster, 2004
Erschienen |
In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft ; Nr. 150 (2005) |
Anmerkungen |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
OEMG_Band_150_2005.pdf |
Schlagwörter |
Aufsatzsammlung, Eklogit, Exkursionsführer, Petrologie, Geochemie, Karte (Tektonik), Geothermometrie, Metamorphismus, Isotope, Petrochemie, Zirkon, Xenolith, Tektonik, Geochronologie, Mineralogie, Fluid-Dynamik, Thermodynamik |
Geograf. Schlagwort |
Österreich, Steiermark, Seggauberg (Kongreß), Leibnitz (Bezirk), International, Alpen |
P.S.732,80.150 |
Einzelwerk |
Neulinggasse_Lesesaal H.B.948 |
Verfügbar |
Alte Bücher (älter als 1918), Archivstücke und Karten werden nicht außer Haus entlehnt. |
Teil von |
Teil(e) |
- Inclusions in diamonds from UHPM terranes: a new constraint for depth of subduction and exhumation | L. F. Dobrzhinetskaya
- Evidence of ultra high pressure conditions in eclogites from the Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian Massif | S. W. Faryad
- Duration of eo-alpine metamorphic events obtained from multi-component diffusion modeling of garnet: a case study from the eastern alps | S. W. Faryad
- A continuous subduction-exhumation cycle in the Ligurian Alps: new constraints from 39Ar/40Ar dating of alpine high-pressure rocks | L. Frederico
- Tectonic unroofing of alpine ultrahigh-pressure terranes | N. Froitzheim
- Hot tectonic channel: a key for the origin of ultrahigh-pressure rocks | T. V. Gerya
- A feasible tectonic model for UHP metamorphism at the end of the Caledonian collision | J. A. Gilotti
- Is UHPM diamond abnormal ? | G. Godard
- Natural and experimental constraints on high-pressure fluids | J. Hermann
- Nanometer-size silica-rich glass inclusions in microdiamond from gneisses of Kokchetav and Erzgebirge Massifs: diversified characteristics of the formation media of metamorphic microdiamond in UHP rocks | S. L. Hwang
- Eclogite facies relics in the metabasites of the Western Carpathians | M. Janak
- Late archaean eclogites of the Kola peninsula (NE Baltic Shield): U-Pb and Sm-Nd data | T. Kaulina
- Material transport phenomena related to garnet reaction bands formed in metapelites at eclogite facies conditions | L. M. Keller
- P-T-t-D evolution of high-pressure barrovian-type metapelites in the Imjingang Belt, Korea | Y. Kim
- Dehydration during HP-metamorphism: implications for oceanic slab-mantle wedge transfer | R. Klemd
- Caledonian kayanite-zoisite eclogites of the Serbo-Macedonian Unit: phase relations, reaction textures of exhumation stage and U-Pb zircon age | S. P. Korikovsky
- Experimental corona textures modelling: differences in corona-forming reactions in olivine-plagioclase and orthopyroxene-plagioclase interfaces during eclogitisation of gabbros | T. Larikova
- Pre-alpine and alpine metamorphism in the Adula Nappe, Central Alps: constraints by shrimp-dating and ree of zircon | A. Liati
- The hypothesis of volume-conservative symplectitization of high-pressure phases during retrogression of eclogites: examples and implications | P. Luffi
- Evidence of multi-stage metasomatism of chlorite-amphibole peridotites from trace element compositiins of Hydrous phases (Ulten Zone, Alps) | M. Marocchi
- Raman spectroscopic study of synthesized Na-bearing majoritic garnets: characterization of transition zone garnets | K. Okamoto
- Metamorphic record of burial and exhumation of orogenic lower and middle crust: new tectonothermal model for the Drosendorf Window | M. Racek
- Geochemistry and geochronology of E Himalaya eclogites | F. Rolfo
- Diachronous UHP metamorphism in the Kokchetav Massif | D. Rubatto
- Burial and exhumation of eclogites in continental accretionary wedge: an indentation model of eclogite formation in variscan collisional zone | K. Schulmann
- Super-silicic garnet microstructures: an unusual but potential powerful microstructure for lithosphere evolution | H. L. M. Van Roermund
- Allanite as UHP phase in Sulu UHP eclogites (CCSD): evidence from electron-microprobe chemical dating of epdiote-group minerals | R. C. Wang
- A pivoting microplate model for subduction eversion and exhumation of UHP terranes | L. E. Webb
- Isotopic (O, Sr, Nd, Pb) and fluid inclusion investigations through vertical sections of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks | Y. Xiao
- Calculated phase relations for UHP eclogites and whiteschists in Na₂O - CaO - FeO - MgO - Al₂O₃ - SiO₃ - H₂O | J.-J. Yang
- Rutile thermometry: state of the art and outlook | T. Zack
- Eclogites from the CCSD-different P-T paths as indication for a subduction channel environment | Y.-F. Zhu
- Trace element abundances in rutile and Zr-in-rutile geothermometer applied to the sudetic eclogites | N. Bakun-Czubarow
- Late miocene-pliocene eclogites of eastern Papua New Guinea: the youngest known HP/UHP terrane on earth | S. L. Baldwin
- Zircon study from the Rhodope metamorphic province, Greece | C. Bauer
- Blueschist-facies metamorphism & geochemistry of metabasites from upper tectonic unit in Lavrion area (SE Attica, Greece) | I. Baziotis
- Oxygen and hydrogen isotope inhomogeneities, an in situ study on eclogites from Dabie Shan, China | S. Birtel
- The importance of pre-350 MA ages in eclogites from the Orlica-Snieznik complex, Bohemian Massif, Poland | M. Bröcker
- Protolith ages and time of high-pressure metamorphism in the cycladic blueschist belt, Greece | M. Bröcker
- Calderite-spessartine garnets in eclogitic metacherts | B. Cenki-Tok
- Diffusion modelling as a tool for tracking timescales: potential and problems | S. Chakraborty
- Petrochemical and geochemical features of diamondiferous eclogites from the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia (Russia) | M. Chekalina
- Pargasite and ilmenite exsolution texture in clinopyroxene from the Hujialing garnet-pyroxenite, Su-Lu UHP terrane, Central China: a geodynamic implication | J. Chen
- Petrogenesis of the Yugu spinel harzburgite in western Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea | M. Cho
- Metabasites with eclogite facies relics in the Variscan belt of northern Sardinia, Italy: review and discussion | G. Cruciani
- A new tool for old rocks - charge contrast imaging of microstructures and compositional variation in garnet and other HP/UHP Minerals | S. J. Cuthbert
- Charge contrast image petrography of eclogite facies rocks using the environmental scanning electron microscope | S. J. Cuthbert
- Petrology of eclogites from north of Shahrekord, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, Iran | A. R. Da Voudian Dehkordi
- Alpine eclogites in the Tauern Window | Edgar Dachs
- Eclogite and peridotite xenoliths from Kaalvallei, Kaapvaal Craton: implications for the formation of subcontinental lithosphere | J. C. M. De Hoog
- Granulitization of eclogitized dykes in the Gridino Area, Belomorian Belt, Russia | K. A. Dokukina
- Multi-stage carboniferous-alpine high-P metamorphism in northern Samos (Greece): evidence from garnet zoning and inclusions | A. Feenstra
- The different P-T histories recorded by HP blocks in a tectonic melange (Ligurian Alps - NW Italy): implications for subduction and exhumation processes | L. Frederico
- Mineral needles and melt inclusions in garnet from the Chepelare area, Central Rhodope, Bulgaria | Milena Georgieva
- Eclogite and eclogite - like rocks of the ophiolite belt of Armenia | A. A. Grigorian
- New petrological constraints of the P-T decompression path of the UHP Brossasco-Isasca unit (Dora-Maira Massif, Western Alps) from the P-T pseudosection study of a garnet-kyanite metapelite | C. Groppo
- Decompressional P-T path in the albite-stability field of orthogneiss from the UHP unit of the Dora-Maria Massif | C. Groppo
- 230 Ma eclogite from Bibong, Hongseong area, Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea: HP metamorphism, zircon shrimp U-Pb ages and tectonic implication | J. H. Guo
- The polymetamorphic evolution of cretaceous HP rocks from the Texel Complex (Austroalpine units, Eastern Alps): petrological and geochronological constraints | Gerlinde Habler
- Near-ultrahigh pressure processing of continental crust: miocene crustal xenoliths from the Pamir | B. Hacker
- Rediscovery of the Liverpool land eclogites (central east Greenland): a post and supra-subduction UHP province | E. H. Hartz
- UHP P-T-time loops: a record of ultradeep subduction or tectonic overpressure ? | E. H. Hartz
- Superzoned garnet in Yangkou peridotite, Su-Lu UHP Belt, Eastern China | T. Hirajima
- Petrography and geochemistry of eclogite pebbles from pleistocene conglomerates at Dunavarsany, Hungary | P. Horvath
- Thermobarometry of kyanite eclogites from the Hohe Tauern Window, Austria | Gert Hoschek
- Forward calculation and some preliminary analyses on the growth rate and chemical composition of garnet | M. Inui
- Radiometric dating of eclogite xenoliths from kimberlites | D. E. Jacob
- Trace element behaviour during eclogitisation - a case study from Flemsöy, western gneiss province, Norway | D. E. Jacob
- Isochron dating of low-temperature HP/UHP eclogites: isotope disequilibrium and effects of ree-rich inclusions | B.-M. Jahn
- Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism of garnet peridotites from Pohorje Mts. (Eastern Alps, Slovenia) | M. Janak
- The metamorphic evolution of variscan eclogites from the northern Ötztal Complex (Tirol, Eastern Alps) | Nothburga Kapferer
- Protoliths of eclogites from northern Qaidam Basin, China: implications on tectonic evolutions | C.-M. Ker
- Amphibole zonation as a function of P-T-XCO₂-fO₂ in blueschists from the Austroalpine Reckner Nappe (Eastern Alps, Austria)
- Archaean eclogites from the central part of the Belomorian Mobile Belt, Kola peninsula, Russia | A. N. Konilov
- The Ca-eskola component of eclogitic CPX as a function of P-T and bulk composition: an experimental study to 12 GPa | Jürgen Konzett
- Growth rate of accessory and rock-forming minerals in UHPM rocks from the Kokchetav Massif (northern Kazakhstan) | A. V. Korsakov
- The role of partial melting in genesis of diamondiferous kyanite-bearing assemblages from the Kokchetav Massif (northern Kazakhstan) | A. V. Korsakov
- Metastable UHPM graphite and metamorphic diamond from the Kokchetav Rocks (northern Kazakhstan) | A. V. Korsakov
- The Rio San Juan Complex (northern Dominican Republic): geothermobarometry and age determinations | M. Krebs
- Structures and petrology of UHP-metamorphic Kimi Complex of the Rhodope metamorphic province (RMP), NE-Greece | K. Krenn
- HP-metamorphism of a rodingite from the Rhodope Massif, Greece | M. Krismer
- Multiple subduction and exhumation of ultra-high- and high-P rocks: architecture, rheology and history of an alpine plate boundary area (Rhodope Mountains, NE-Greece) | A. Krohe
- Is Archimedes the key to eclogite exhumation ?: the eclogite zone in the Tauern Window, revisited | A. Kühn
- Rapid Oligocene exhumation of the eclogite zone, Tauern Window, Eastern Alps | A. Kühn
- Omphacite crystallographic preferred orientations from eclogites of the type locality | Walter Kurz
- Evidence for partial melting in metapelitic rocks from the UHP terrane, north-east Greenland eclogite province | H. M. Lang
- Evidence for mass transfer at the contact of garnet glaucophanite and quartz-garnet-omphacite rock in the Maksyutov Complex, South Urals | G. G. Lepezin
- Thermodynamic computation of eclogite phase equilibria: the key role of redox state | B. Levay
- Zircons overprinted by rodingitization and their U-Pb ages from a serpentinite complex, western Tianshan | X. P. Li
- Eclogites and country rock orthogneisses representing upper permian gabbros in hercynian granitoids, Rhodope, Greece: geochronological constraints | A. Liati
- Linking U-Pb shrimp zircon ages with metamorphic conditions: constraints from the ree composition of zircon in alpine (U)HP rocks of the Rhodope, N' Greece | A. Liati
- Exotic non-UHP terrane in the Sulu UHP Belt, NE China | J. G. Liou
- Ultrahigh-pressure mineral assemblages hidden in zircons from cores in the main drill hole of Chinese continental scientific drilling project | F. L. Liu
- Exhumation P-T path of UHP eclogites in the Hong'an area, western Dabie Mountains, China | J. Liu
- Tracing the protoliths of rutile eclogites from the Sulu UHPM terrane, eastern China: implications on rutile formations | Y.-H. Liu
- Composition and U-Th-Pb ages of monazite inclusions in pyrope megacysts from the UHP unit of the Dora Maria Massif, W Alps | B. Lombardo
- Petrology of titanian clinohumite and olivine at the high-pressure breakdown of antigorite serpentinite to chlorite harzburgite (Almirez Ultramafic Massif, S. Spain) | V. Lopez Sanchez-Vizcaino
- Garnet-phlogopite websterite xenoliths from the Pamir: shallow mafic cumulates metamorphosed at high pressures, potential sources for (ultra)potassic melts | P. Luffi
- Multistage metasomatism in ultrahigh pressure mafic rocks from the north Dabie Complex (China) | N. Malaspina
- Trace element transfer in the mantle wedge: evidence from polyphase inclusions in garnet-pyroxenites (Dabie-Shan, China) | N. Malaspina
- Tectonic pressures: a review of principles and applications | N. Mancktelow
- Eclogites from the Chuacus Complex in central Guatemala: evidence for subduction of continental crust at the Caribbean - North American Plate Boundary | U. Martens
- Genesis of diamonds and diamondiferous rocks from the Saxonian Erzgebirge, central Europa | H.-J. Massonne
- Peak termperature variations of the eclogite in the southern elcogitic micaschist complex of the Sesia Zone, Italy | K. Matsumoto
- Zircon geochronology and ree geochemistry, north Qaidam UHP terrane, northwest China | C. G. Mattinson
- Dating of UHP metamorphism, NE Greenland caledonides | W. C. McClelland
- Eclogites in peridotites, western gneiss region, Norway: characteristics and enigmatic Sm-Nd results | L. G. Medaris
- Tectonic evolution of the north Qaidam UHP terrane | C. A. Menold
- Timing of eclogite metamorphism in the Pohorje Mountains, Slovenia, Eastern Alps | C. Miller
- Eclogites from the Koralpe and Saualpe type-localities, Eastern Alps, Austria | Ch. Miller
- The equilibrium reaction albite = jadeite + quartz - a re-examination in presence of small amounts of H₂O and at dry conditions | Peter W. Mirwald
- Mantle xenoliths in neogene volcanic rocks of the Styrian Basin | Aberra Mogessie
- Dolomitic marbles from organi area in the eastern Rhodope ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terrance, NE Greece | E. Mposkos
- Garnet-spinel metaperidotites and spinel-garnet pyroxenites from Organi-Kimi area in the eastern Rhodope ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terrane (.E. Greece): implication for mantle processes in converging plate setting | E. Mposkos
- Variety in chemical zonation of garnet in eclogite from Nove Dvory, Czech Republic | D. Nakamura
- Chemenda-type exhumation during non-steady state subduction: model and late cretaceous evolution of Eastern Alps | Franz Neubauer
- Electron backscattered diffraction studies on omphacite from the eclogite zone of the Tauern Window, Austria: implications for the exhumation of eclogites in extrusion wedges | K. Neufeld
- Himalayan eclogites, Pakistan: an update | P. J. O'Brien
- Origin of eclogite and garnet pyroxenite from the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic and its implication to other mafic layers embedded in orogenic peridotites in the world | M. Obata
- Blue jadeitite from Shogan, SE Iran | R. Oberhänsli
- Relics of high-pressure metamorphism in the Bitlis Massif (Van Region, E Turkey) | R. Oberhänsli
- Characterization of microdiamonds in pelitic gneisses from the Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan - why No 2nd stage growth ? | Y. Ogasawara
- Zircon-inclusion mineralogy of the diamond-grade eclogite in the Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan | K. Okamoto
- UHP metamorphic conditions in garnet-bearing pyroxenites from Lanterman Range (northern Victoria Land, Antarctica): petrology and P-T path | R. Palmeri
- Xenoliths of orthopyroxene eclogite and celsian corona-bearing kyanite eclogite in kimberlite from south India | S. C. Patel
- Chemical and isotopic alteration trends preserved during subduction zone metamorphism | P. Philippot
- Mineralogy of ultrahigh-pressure rocks from the NE Greenland calodonides | S. E. Power
- Coronitic metagabbro from Gressenberg, Koralpe, Austria: textures and reactions of an eclogite facies hydration event | Alexander Proyer
- Petrology of metapelites and metabasites of the UHP-Kimi Complex near Kimi, Rhodopes, NE Greece | Barbara Puhr
- The P-T-d evolution of the eclogite-facies Austroalpine Sieggraben Unit (Eastern Alps) | M. Putis
- The timing of partial melting and UHP metamorphism in the Kumdy-Kol Region (Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan) | A. L. Ragozin
- Eclogite-facies transformations of Zermatt-Saas ophiolitic gabbro and troctolite (Crepin, Valtournanche, Italian Western Alps) | G. Rebay
- Melt-versus fluid-induced metasomatism in spinel to garnet wedge peridotites (Ulten Zone, eastern Italian Alps): clues from trace element, Li and Be abundances | M. Scambelluri
- Eclogites in the Eastern Alps: high-pressure metamorphism in the context of the alpine orogeny | Ralf Schuster
- A new occurrence of diamondiferous rocks in Kokchetav Massif (northern Kazakhstan) | V. A. Shatsky
- Transmission electron miroscopic study of quartz rods with intergrown amphibole within omphacite in eclogites from the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terrance, eastern China | Y.-H. Shau
- Methane (CH₄)-bearing fluid inclusions in the Myanmar jadeite | G. Shi
- Discovery of K-tourmaline in diamond-bearing quartz-rich rock from the Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan | R. Shimizu
- Mineralogy of microdiamonds from metamorphic rocks and conditions of their formation | T. Shumilova
- The neoarchaean gridino eclogites-bearing complex, Belomorian Mobile Belt (BMB), the Fennoscandian Shield, Russia | A. I. Slabunov
- From microinclusions to mapping and mobility (1983-2005): an overview of Raman microscopy applied to eclogites | D. C. Smith
- SiO₂ exsolution and percursor supersilicic pyroxene revisited, and a potential new UHPM end-member: "Supersilipyx" | D. C. Smith
- The "Shand" diagram, a possible subsilicic protonated garnet, and a potential new UHPM end-member: "Subsiligar" | D. C. Smith
- The arroyo charcon, an unusual eclogite from the Escambray Massif, Cuba: petrology and zirconology | M. L. Somin
- The eo-alpine high-pressure belt in the Eastern Alps: a kinematic exhumation model and its tectonic implications | Helmuth Sölva
- Diamonds and Fe-carbonate inclusions in garnets from felitic gneisses of the ultra-high pressure metamorphic Kimi Complex in central and east Rhodope, Greece | C. Stamoudi
- Constraining the P-T path of a morb-type eclogite using pseudosections and garnet zoning: an example from the Bohemian Massif | P. Stipska
- Eclogite and stress | B. Stöckhert
- Water in omphacite of eclogite from the southern Tianshan | W. Su
- Dating eclogites in the Eastern Alps: approaches, results, interpretations | Martin Thöni
- Tectonothermal evolution during exhumation of the UHPM Kimi Complex near Xanthi, Rhodope, NE Greece | Helene Tirk
- a(H₂O) calculations in eclogite-facies rocks | Peter Tropper
- Incipient eclogitization below 300°C preserved in Guatemalan lawsonite-eclogite | T. Tsujimori
- A new thermodynamical dataset for Mn-rich minerals: application to the eclogitized oceanic Mn deposit of Praborna (Western Alps, Italy) | S. Tumiati
- Evidence for ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphism within proterozoic basement rocks on Otröy, Western Gneiss Region, Norway | H. L. M. Van Roermund
- Ultrahigh-pressure eclogites from Pohorje Mts. (Eastern Alps, Slovenia) | M. Vrabec
- Northeastward expansion of the northern ultra-high pressure (UHP) domain, Western Gneiss Region, Norway: evidence from a Fe-Ti garnet peridotite/websterite body | J. C. Vrijmoed
- Timing prograde metamorphism in the Dabie Shan UHP Complex: U-Pb and Sr systematics of pre-UHP titanite | N. Wawrzenitz
- Eclogite evolution in the Alps and Norway | J. Wheeler
- Exhumation of the Saualpe eclogite unit, Eastern Alps: constraints from 40Ar/39Ar ages and structural investigations | Maria Wiesinger
- Zircon U-Pb dating, Hf and O isotope studies of marble-associated eclogite in the Dabie-sulu orogen of east-central China: constraints on the timing of fluid activity during subduction and exhumation of continental crust | Y.-B. Wu
- High pressure and lower temperature metamorphism along the north-eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif | E. Zackova
- Discovery of eclogites and extension of Sulu UMP belt in South Korea | M. Zhai
- Triassic collision of western Tianshan orogenic belt, China: evidences from shrimp U-Pb dating of zircon from UHP eclogite rocks | L. Zhang
- Garnet clinopyroxenite and associated eclogite from the Sulu UHP terrane, eastern China: origin and metamorphic evolution | R. Y. Zhang
- Petrology of UHP metamorphic rocks from the main hole (0 - 2050 m) of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project | Z. Zhang
- Deformation of the UHP metamorphic rocks in the Sulu UHP metamorphic belt, China: from micron to crust scale structures | Z.-Y. Zhao
- Fluid activity during exhumation of deep-subducted continental crust: case studies from the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt | Y.-F. Zheng