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The Nordic Countries invite you to the 33rd IGC International Geological Congress Oslo 2008: Abstracts österreichischer Autorinnen und Autoren
International Geological Congress (IGC) (33. : 2008 : Oslo)
69 S.
Geograf. Schlagwort
Oslo (Kongreß)
Alte Bücher (älter als 1918), Archivstücke und Karten werden nicht außer Haus entlehnt.
Biomarker and carbon isotope variation on coal and fossil wood of central Europe through the Cenozoic | Achim Bechtel
Geochemistry and Provenance of metasedimentary rocks of the radiovac metamorphic complex, Papuk, Croatia | Vanja Bisevac
Microbial communities in the lichen-rock interface | Torbjorg Bjelland
Environmental record in the Maastrichtian paleosols and dinosaur remains from the Hateg basin, South Carpathians: evidence from stable isotope distribution and mineralogy | Ana-Voica Bojar
Alterations of sandstones in the gas-, water- and transition zones of a depleted gas reservoir | Magdalena Bottig
Tectonic interpretation of deep geophysical data from the Eastern Alps | Ewald Brückl
Origin of the Neogene to Quarternary alkaline basalt magmatism in the Pannoian Basin, eastern-central Europe | Hilary Downes
Isotope characteristics of Veitsch type sparry magnesite | Fritz Ebner
Late and post-Variscan palaeogeographic and tectonic evolution of the ALCAPA-region | Fritz Ebner
River flooding, torrent and debris flow hazards in Austria | Christine Embleton-Hamann
Re-fertilisation process in mantle xenoliths from Eastern Transylvanian Basin | Barbara Faccini
Extreme isotope ratios in lakes during a Snowball Earth glaciation | Ian Fairchild
Secondary mineral formation on a pyrite-bearing mine waste dump | Izabella M. Farkas
Rates of valley incision in the European Alps approached by cosmogenic nuclides | Markus Fiebig
Improving the Austrian radon potential map | Harry Friedmann
Mechanically versus thermally driven orogens - contrasting styles along the Neoproterozoic East African Orogen | Harald Fritz
Decoupled deformation in the deep crust - constraints from the Eastern Granulites of northern Tanzania | Harald Fritz
Fluid rock evolution of high-T calc-silicate marbles: Constraints on the P-T-t history of a granulite facies terrain | Florian Gallien
Zircon age determinations and geo-thermo-barometry from the sierras Valle Fertil and La Huerta | Florian Gallien
Overview of the platinum-group mineralogy in ophiolites of the Urals, eastern Mediterranean and Caribbean orogenic belts: Implication for the origin of PGM in ophiolitic chromitites | Giorgio Garuti
Diversity of Platinum group minerals (PGM) in chromitites from Brazil, preliminary results | Giorgio Garuti
Paleoseismological investigations for Nuclear Power Plant siting: Lessons learned from the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa accident | Antonio Godoy
Formation of carbonate cataclasites by fault-breccia recycling | Stefan Hausegger
U/Pb zircon ages from S-Tanzania along a traverse from lake Malawi to Masasi | Christoph Hauzenberger
New results from the mafic complex in the Finero area | Ferdinand Hingerl
Silurian bioevents and sea-level change in North Gondwana: The responce of pelagic faunas from the Carnic Alps (Austria) | Kathleen Histon
Timing the Rhodope UHP-event using zircon and monazite | Georg Hoinkes
Subsidence-controlled development of a carbonate-platform-to-intrashelf-basin-transition - the Steinplatte carbonate complex (Late Triassic, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria) | Bernd Kaufmann
Continental scientific drilling and the study of terrestrial impact craters | Christian Koeberl
Impact cratering on earth and other planets | Christian Koeberl
Spinel-hosted silicate melt inclusions from basalts in the Mirdita Ophiolite belt (Albania) | Friedrich Koller
Digital compilation of archived geological maps: Meeting quality problems with a proactive information strategy | Hans Georg Krenmayr
Monazite growth systematics in UHP metapelites: An example from the Pohorje Mountains, Slovenia | Erwin Krenn
Mid-Jurassic to Eocene multi-phase subduction and metamorphism in the Greek Rhodope | Kurt Krenn
Intraplate volcanism in Western Bohemian Massif - Isotopic characteristics | Anna Ladenberger
The role of active (capable) faults in paleoseismicity | Serva Leonello
Simulation of debris flows based on open source GIS | Martin Mergili
Geotourism for sustainable development | Aberra Mogessie
Different textural occurrences of Greenockite (CdS) | Aberra Mogessie
Petrology and geochemistry of the Avren Complex, Rhodope Massif, Bulgaria | Aberra Mogessie
High- to ultra-high pressure partial melting in orogenic belts: Implications for the formation of felsic granulites from the Bohemian Massif | Radmila Nahodilova
Centennial- to decadal-scale environmental shifts in and around lake Pannon (late Miocene) | Werner E. Piller
Biodiversity hotspots - a geological perspective | Werner E. Piller
Metamorphism of impure calcite dolomite marbles: HP- and UHP-indicators | Alexander Proyer
SoilCritZone - towards understanding the life cycle of soils | Vala Ragnarsdottir
Origin and fate of heavy metals in an urban area (Leoben, Austria) as traced by chemical and magnetic investigations of sewage sludge and water | Gerd Rantitsch
Investigations on the provenance of white marbles by inclusion fluid chemistry | Gerd Rantitsch
The scale of pollution in an urban area: the example of Oslo | Clemens Reimann
A Pleistocene marl prairie from equatorial East Africa - facies development and clues for coastal uplift | Markus Reuter
Change of groundwater discharge as response to varying climatic conditions: a model study at chatchment scale at the Wismar bay/Baltic sea | Maria-Theresia Schafmeister
Water in Mid-Atlantic Ridge peridotite: Results from ODP/IODP-Legs 153 and 209 | Esther Schmädicke
Reactivated large-scale landslides in Tarmaber district, central Ethiopian Highlands at the western rim of afar triangle | Jean F. Schneider
Negative C-isotope anomaly in the Ediacaran Tamengo Formation (Corumba Group, Southern Paraguay Belt) | Alcides Sial
Rapid uplift of the Victor kimberlite, South Africa: Documented by OH-diffusion profiles in garnet from eclogitic xenoliths (UNESCO IGCP 557) | Holger Sommer
Measuring network with implemented real time communication for drinking water surveillance in karst aquifers: A contribution to implement the WFD (Water Framework Directive) within water supplies | Hermann Stadler
Late Devonian stratigraphy and global events at Boulongour Reservoir (Uygur Autonomous Region, Xinjiang, China) | Thomas J. Suttner
Lower Devonian icriodontid conodond clusters - apparatus reconsiderations | Thomas J. Suttner
Geochronology of the Mozambique Belt in north-eastern Tanzania | Veronika Tenczer
The P-T-X evolution of meta-anorthosites in the Eastern Granulites, Tanzania | Veronika Tenczer
Origin of the djerfisherite from dunite of the Guli massif (Polar Siberia) | Oskar Thalhammer
Updating the geological map of Kea Island, W.Cyclades, Greece, using remote sensing dta and GIS techniques | Panagiotis Tsombos
Chromium and Platinum-Group Elements (PGE) mineralization in ophiolite: Examples from Turkey | İbrahim Uysal
Origin of unusual oxidized platinum-group minerals (PGM) in the chromitite of Mugla Ophiolite, southwest Turkey | İbrahim Uysal
From OAE 2 anoxia to oxic CORRBs in the Cenomanian to Santonian of the Ultrahelvetics (Austria) | Michael Wagreich
The Santonian-Campanian boundary in the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria/Germany) | Michael Wagreich
Overview of Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds (CORBs): A window on global oceanic/climate change | Chengshan Wang
Localisation of iron in the structure of natural sinhalite | Sven-Ulf Weber
Mid-Cretaceous cyclic oscillations in oxygenation: The story told by benthic foraminifera and XRD data (Ultrahelvetics, Austria) | Ines Wendler
Platinum group minerals (PGM) in the Loma Peguera ophiolitic chromitite (Central Dominican Republic);New data using Electric Pulse Disaggregation and Hydroseparation techniques | Federica Zaccarini