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Signatur |
Titel |
Miscellaneous Field Studies Map: Map MF |
Körperschaft |
USA / Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey |
Erscheinungsort |
Reston |
Verlag |
U.S. Geological Survey
Erscheinungsjahr |
1990 - 1996
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Bestand |
No.709.1990 - No.2319.1996 |
Digitales Dokument |
Datensatznummer |
Geograf. Schlagwort |
Teil von |
Teil(e) |
- 2319 | 1996: Geologic map of the Craig, Dixon Entrance, and parts of the Ketchikan and Prince Rupert Quadrangles, southeastern Alaska | David A. Brew
- 2306 | 1995: Geologic map of the Doe Mountain 15' Quadrangle, Okanogan County, Washington | Victoria R. Todd
- 2300 | 1996: Geologic map of the Savannah River Site, Aiken, Allendale, and Barnwell Counties, South Carolina | David C. Prowell
- 2299 | 1995: Geologic map of the Beaverdam Creek Quadrangle, Baker County, Oregon | James G. Evans
- 2279 | 1995: Paleoseismic studies of the Bootheel Lineament, southeastern Missouri, and the Crittenden County Fault Zone, northeastern Arkansas, New Madrid Seismic Zone, central United States | Anthony J. Crone
- 2276 | 1996: High-resolution marine geologic maps showing sediment distribution on the insular shelf off Luquillo, Puerto Rico | William C. Schwab
- 2225.A | 1995: Maps showing areas of potential for mineral resources in the Killik River 1° x 3° Quadrangle, Alaska | Karen D. Kelley
- 2195 | 1993: Geochemical Reconnaissance of the northeastern part of the Dahlonega Gold Belt, northeastern Georgia | Frank G. Lesure
- 2155.F | 1991: Maps showing the resource assessment of the Port Moller, Stepovak Bay, and Simeonof Island quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula: with a section on Geology of the Pyramid porphyry copper deposit, Alaska Peninsula Alaska;and a section on Description of the Shumagin epithermal gold vein deposit | Frederic H. Wilson
- 2144.E | 1996: Mineral Resource Assessment of the Chandler Lake Quadrangle, Alaska | S. E. Church
- 2132 | 1990: Preliminary surficial geologic map of the Weber segment, Wasatch Fault Zone. Weber and Davis Counties, Utah | Alan R. Nelson
- 2062 | 1989: Geologic map of pre-tertiary rocks of the Paradise Range and southern Lodi Hills west-central Nevada | N. J. Silberling
- 1978.F | 1988: Map showing locations of mines, prospects, and patented mining claims, and classification of mineral deposits in the Deadwood south 7 1/2-minute quadrangle and part of the Deadman Mountain 7 1/2-minute quadrangle, Black Hills, South Dakota | Ed DeWitt
- 1978.E | 1988: Map showing locations of mines, prospects, and patented mining claims, and classification of mineral deposits in the lead 7 1/2-minute quadrangle, Black Hills, South Dakota | Ed DeWitt
- 1958 | 1987: Geologic map of the southwestern part of the San Francisco volcanic field, north-central Arizona | Christopher G. Newhall
- 1939.B | 1987: The quaternary geology of east-central Long Island Sound | Sally W. Needell
- 1874.B | 1987: Lithotectonic terranes of western Canada and southeastern Alaska | J. W. H. Monger
- 1838.B | 1988: Non-placer mineral occurrences in the Solomon, Bendeleben, and southern part of the Kotzebue quadrangles, western Alaska | Bruce M. Gamble
- 1834.B | 1987: Mineral resource assentment of the Ajo and Lukeville 1° by 2° Quadrangles, Arizona | Jocelyn A. Peterson
- 1648.A | 1989: Mineral resource potential of the Pond Mountain and Pond Moutain Addition Roadless Areas, Carter County, Tennessee | W. R. Griffitts
- 1645.F | 1990: Gravity contour map and interpretation of gravity data for the Chugach National Forest, Alaska | David F. Barnes
- 1633.C | 1993: Geologic map of the Anaconda-Pintlar Wilderness and contiguous roadless are, granite, Deer Lodge, Beaverhead, and Ravalli Counties, western Montana | C. A. Wallace
- 1492.D | 1987: Mines and prospects of the Andrews Mountain, Mazourka, and Paiute roadless areas, Inyo County, California | Steven W. Schmauch
- 1382.F | 1987: Aeromagnetic map of the Walker Lake 1° by 2° Quadrangle, California and Nevada | Donald Plouff
- 1382.E | 1987: Bouguer Gravity Anomaly and Isostatic Residual Gravity Maps of the Walker Lake 1° by 2° Quadrangle, California and Nevada | Donald Plouff
- 1176 | 1996: Mineral resource potential of the Survey Pass Quadrangle, Brooks Range, Alaska | Donald J. Grybeck
- 977: Composite magnetic anomaly map of the conterminous United States west of 96° longitude | Kevin R. Bond
- 910 | 1978: Preliminary map showing recency of faulting in coastal south-central California | Jane M. Buchanan-Banks
- 709 | 1990: Prediction of maximum earthquake intensity in the San Francisco Bay Region, California, for large earthquakes on the San Andreas and Hayward Faults | Roger D. Borcherdt