Signatur |
Titel |
Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology |
Körperschaft |
Smithsonian Institution |
Erscheinungsort |
Washington, D.C. |
Verlag |
Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press
Erscheinungsjahr |
1970 - 2019
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Bestand |
No.5.1970 - No.103.2019 |
Digitales Dokument |
Anmerkungen |
Open Access
Datensatznummer |
Geograf. Schlagwort |
Teil(e) |
- 103 | 2019: Rodents (Mammalia) from Fitterer Ranch, Brule Formation (Oligocene), North Dakota | William W. Korth
- 102 | 2018: Late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Mammalian Assemblage from Paw Paw Cove, Tilghman Island, Maryland | Ralph E. Eshelman
- 101 | 2018: The Neogene Record of Northern South American Native Ungulates | Juan D. Carrillo
- 100 | 2018: The Geology and Vertebrate Paleontology of Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, USA | Stephen J. Godfrey
- 99 | 2017: Plant Fossils from the Pennsylvanian-Permian Transition in Western Pangea, Abo Pass, New Mexico | William A. DiMichele
- 98 | 2016: Skeletal Anatomy of the North American Pangolin Patriomanis americana (Mammalia, Pholidota) from the Laste Eocene of Wyoming (USA) | Timothy J. Gaudin
- 97 | 2015: Pulsating Patches: History and Analyses of Spatial, Seasonal, and Yearly Distribution of Living Benthic Foraminifera | Martin A. Buzas
- 96 | 2015: Taxonomy of Deep-Sea Trachyleberidid, Thaerocytherid, and Hemicytherid Genera (Ostracoda) | Moriaki Yasuhara
- 95 | 2011: New Materials of Masiakasaurus knopfleri Sampson, Carrano, and Foster, 2001, and Implications for the Morphology of the Noasauridae (Theropoda: Ceratosauria) | Matthew T. Carrano
- 94 | 2002: Middle Proterozoic (1.5 Ga) Horodyskia moniliformis Yochelson and Fedonkin, the Oldest Known Tissue-Grade Colonial Eucaryote | Mikhail A. Fedonkin
- 93 | 2002: Cenozoic Mammals of Land and Sea: Tributes to the Career of Clayton E.Ray | Robert J. Emry
- 92 | 2001: Triassic Gastropods of the Southern Qinling Mountains, China | Jinnan Tong
- 91 | 2000: Myodocopid Ostracoda from the late Permian of Greece and a basic classification for Paleozoic and Mesozoic Myodocopida | Louis S. Kornicker
- 90 | 2001: Geology and Paleontology of the Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina, III | Clayton E. Ray
- 89 | 1999: Avian Paleontology at the Close of the 20th Century: Proceedings of the 4th International Meeting of the Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution, Washington, D.C., 4-7 June 1996 | Storrs L. Olson
- 88 | 2002: Phylogenetic Relationships of the Earliest Anisostrophically Coiled Gastropods | Peter J. Wagner
- 87 | 1998: Ostracoda from the Late Permian of Greece (Thaumatocyprididae and Polycopidae) | Israel Gregory Sohn
- 86 | 1998: Reflections on the morphology, anatomy, evolution, and classification of the class Stenolaemata (Bryozoa) | Richard S. Boardman
- 85 | 1999: Atlas of paleocene planktonic foraminifera | Richard K. Olsson
- 80 | 1996: Bibliography and index of the Sirenia and Desmostylia | Daryl Paul Domning
- 74 | 1993: Paleobiology of Climacichnites, an Enigmatic Late Cambrian Fossil | Ellis L. Yochelson
- 73 | 1993: Jurassic Rhynchonellids: internal structures and taxonomic revisions | Xiao-ying Shi
- 71 | 1991: A New Genus and Species of Boxfish (Tetraodontiformes: Ostraciidae) from the Oligocene of Moravia, the Second Fossil Representative of the Family | James C. Tyler
- 70 | 1992: Morphology, anatomy, and systematics of the Cinctiporidae, new family (Bryozoa: Stenolaemata) | Richard S. Boardman
- 65 | 1989: Jurassic brachiopods of Saudi Arabia | Gustav Arthur Cooper
- 60 | 1986: Microdistribution of foraminifera in a single bed of the Monterey Formation, Monterey County, California | Martin A. Buzas
- 59 | 1986: Two new Oligocenedesmostylians and a discussion of tethytherian systematics | Daryl P. Domning
- 58 | 1986: Stratigraphic Record of the Neogene Globorotalid radiation (Planktonic foraminiferida) | Richard L. Cifelli
- 57 | 1985: Giant Camels from the Cenozoic of North America | Jessica A. Harrison
- 55 | 1984: Fossil Spatangoid echinoids of Cuba | Porter M. Kier
- 54 | 1983: The Carnivora of the Edson local fauna (late Hemphillian), Kansas | Jessica A. Harrison
- 53 | 1983: Geology and Paleontology of the Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina, I | Clayton E. Ray
- 50 | 1983: The Terebratulacea (Brachiopoda), Triassic to Recent: A Study of the Brachiopoda (Loops) | Gustav Arthur Cooper
- 49 | 1982: Megaspores and a palynomorph from the lower Potomac Group in Virginia | Francis M. Hueber
- 48 | 1982: Fossil Vertebrates from the Bahamas | Storrs L. Olson
- 47 | 1982: Descriptive and comparative Osteology of the oldest fossil squirrel Protosciurus (Rodentia: Sciuridae) | Robert J. Emry
- 46 | 1981: A Review of the extinct wolverine, Plesiogulo (Carnivora: Mustelidae), from North America | Jessica A. Harrison
- 45 | 1982: Textural observations on some living species of planktonic foraminifera | Richard L. Cifelli
- 44 | 1981: Brachiopoda from the Gulf of Gascogne, France (Recent) | Gustav Arthur Cooper
- 43 | 1981: Brachiopoda from the Southern Indian Ocean (Recent) | Gustav Arthur Cooper
- 41 | 1982: New Brachiopods from the Southern Hemisphere and Cryptopora from Oregon (Recent) | Arthur Gustav Cooper
- 40 | 1981: Glyptodonts of North America | David D. Gillette
- 39 | 1980: The Echinoids of the Middle Eocene Warley Hill Formation, Santee Limestone, and Castle Hayne Limestone of North and South Carolina | Porter M. Kier
- 38 | 1978: Tertiary and Quaternary Brachiopods from the Southwest Pacific | Gustav Arthur Cooper
- 37 | 1979: Tertiary and Cretaceous Brachiopods from Cuba and the Caribbean | Gustav Arthur Cooper
- 36 | 1979: Taxonomy and Paleoecology of Early Miocene Benthic Foraminifera of northern New Zealand and the North Tasman Sea | Bruce W. Hayward
- 35 | 1977: A Lower Eocene Frigatebird from the Green River Formation of Wyoming (Pelecaniformes: Fregatidae) | Storrs L. Olson
- 34 | 1978: Index of Living and Fossil Echinoids 1924-1970 | Porter M. Kier
- 33 | 1977: Evolution of Oblitacythereis from Paleocosta (Ostracoda: Trachyleberidiae) during the Cenozoic in the Mediterranean and Altlantic | Richard Hall Benson
- 31 | 1977: Ecology and systematics of foraminifera in two Thalassia habitats, Jamaica, West Indiens | Martin A. Buzas
- 31 | 1977: Ecology and systematics of foraminifera in two Thalassia habitats, Jamaica, West Indiens | Martin A. Buzas
- 30 | 1977: Triassic echinoids | Porter M. Kier
- 29 | 1976: A Vector-approach to size and shape comparisons among zooids in cheilostome bryozoans | Alan H. Cheetham
- 28 | 1976: Phoca wymani and other Tertiary seals (Mammalia, Phocidae) described from the eastern seaboard of North America | Clayton Edward Ray
- 27 | 1976: Collected Papers in avian paleontology honoring the 90th birthday of Alexander Wetmore | Storrs L. Olson
- 25 | 1973: Revised tertiary stratigraphy and paleontology of the Western Beaver Divide, Fremont County, Wyoming | Robert J. Emry
- 23 | 1975: Paleornithology of St. Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean | Storrs L. Olson
- 22 | 1975: Ultrastructural Studies on graptolites: 2: The periderm and its derivatives in the Graptoloidea | Adam Urbanek
- 19 | 1975: Permian Brachiopods of West Texas, III: (Part 1 - Text) | Gustav Arthur Cooper
- 18 | 1973: Stratigraphy and Preliminary Biostratigraphy of the Flagstaff Rim Area, Natrona County, Wyoming | Robert J. Emry
- 17 | 1973: Vema's Brachiopoda (Recent) | G. Arthur Cooper
- 14 | 1972: Permian Brachiopods of West Texas, I | G. Arthur Cooper
- 13 | 1972: Upper Miocene Echinoids from the Yorktown Formation of Virginia and Their Environmental Significance | Porter M. Kier
- 12 | 1972: The Bradleya Problem, With Descriptions of Two New Psychrospheric Ostracode Genera, Agrenocythere and Poseidonamicus (Ostracoda: Crustacea) | Richard H. Benson
- 11 | 1972: Homeomorphy in Recent Deep-Sea Brachiopods | G. Arthur Cooper
- 10 | 1972: Tertiary and Mesozoic Echinoids of Saudi Arabia | Porter M. Kier
- 8 | 1971: Mode of Growth and Functional Morphology of Autozooids in Some Recent and Paleozoic Tubular Bryozoa | Richard S. Boardman
- 7 | 1971: A New Cenozoic Deep-Sea Genus, Abyssocythere (Crustacea: Ostracoda: Trachyleberididae), with Descriptions of Five New Species | Richard H. Benson
- 6 | 1971: Functional Morphology and Biofacies Distribution of Cheilostome Bryozoa in the Danian Stage (Paleocene) of Southern Scandinavia | Alan H. Cheetham
- 5 | 1970: Catalog of the Illustrated Paleozoic Plant Specimens in the National Museum of Natural History | Arthur D. Watt
- 3 | 1971: Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology ; 3