Signatur |
Titel |
Developments in Geotectonics |
Erscheinungsort |
Amsterdam |
Verlag |
Erscheinungsjahr |
1965 ff
Format |
27 cm
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Bestand |
Vol.1.1965 ff |
Datensatznummer |
Geograf. Schlagwort |
Niederlande |
Teil(e) |
- 71 | 1981: Recent crustal Movements, 1979: Proceedings of the IUGG Interdisciplinary Symposium 9, "Recent Crustal Movements", Canberra, December 13-14, 1979 | P. Vyskocil
- 52 | 1979: Recent Crustal Movements, 1977: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Recent Crustal-Movements, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, July 25 - 20, 1977 | C. A. Whitten
- 29 | 1975: Recent Crustal Movements: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Recent Crustal Movements, Zurich, August 26-31, 1974 | N. Pavoni
- 23 | 1992: Continental Lower Crust | David M. Fountain
- 21 | 1986: The Origin of Arcs: Invited papers presented at the International Conference "The Origin of Arcs", held at the University of Urbino, Urbino, Italy, September 22nd - 25th, 1986 | Forese-Carlo Wezel
- 16 | 1981: Developments in Geotectonics ; 16
- 16 | 1981: Developments in Geotectonics ; 16
- 10 | 1976: The expanding Earth | Samuel Warren Carey
- 9 | 1975: Developments in Geotectonics ; 9
- 6 | 1973: Plate Tectonics | Xavier Le Pichon
- 4 | 1972: The Upper Mantle | A. R. Ritsema
- 3 | 1973: Island Arcs: Japan and its environs | A. Sugimura
- 2 | 1972: Geodynamic Models: An Evaluation and a Synthesis | Reinout Willem Van Bemmelen
- 1 | 1965: Geosynclines | Jean Aubouin