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Signatur |
7741,40-Per.15 7740,40-Per.15
Titel |
IGCP Project 199 "Rare Events in Geology": Abstracts of Lectures, Excursion Guide: Vienna, Austria Sept. 12-17, 1988 |
VerfasserIn |
Peter Faupl (Mitarb.) |
Erscheinungsort |
Wien |
Verlag |
Geologische Bundesanstalt
Erscheinungsjahr |
Seiten |
III, 61 S.
Illustrationen |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Erschienen |
In: Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt ; Nr. 15 (1988) |
Anmerkungen |
International Geological Correlation Programme Project 199 IGCP-Proj. 199
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
Berichte_GBA_015.pdf |
Schlagwörter |
Perm-Trias-Grenze, Impakt, Kreide-Tertiär-Grenze, Aussterben, Geomarker, Devon-Karbon-Grenze, Meteorit (Sammlung), Exkursionsführer, Magnetostratigraphie, Paläozoikum, Mesozoikum, Känozoikum, Altersbestimmung, Paläontologie, Geophysik |
Geograf. Schlagwort |
Österreich, Wien (Kongreß), Wien, Kärnten, Salzburg, Steiermark, Oberösterreich, International |
7741,40-Per.15 |
Einzelwerk |
Neulinggasse_Magazin |
Verfügbar |
7740,40-Per.15 |
Einzelwerk |
Neulinggasse_Lesesaal H.B.984 |
Verfügbar |
Alte Bücher (älter als 1918), Archivstücke und Karten werden nicht außer Haus entlehnt. |
Teil von |
Teil(e) |
- Element Concentrations at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary in the Kendlbachgraben Section (Austria) | D. D. Badjukov
- Carbon Isotope Profile in the Permian-Triassic of the Central Tethys: The Kashmir Sections (India) | Aymon Baud
- An Iridium-Enriched Level in the Late Maastrichtian of the Aix-en-Province Continental Basin (Southern France) | D. Boclet
- Plate Tectonics and Fluctuation of Sea Level and Climate at the Permian-Triassic Boundary | Rainer Brandner
- The Permian-Triassic in the Dolomites (Southern Alps, Italy), San Antonio Section | Rainer Brandner
- Dinosaur Extinction: A Rare Paleontological Event with a Rare Geological Cause | Eric Buffetaut
- First Report on Palynological Analyses of Upper Maastrichtian and Danian Samples Collected at two Austrian K/T Boundary Sites | Ilse Draxler
- Reef Biotopes Near the Permian/Triassic Boundary (Skyros, Greece and Sichuan, China) - Environmental Trends in Extinction? | Erik Flügel
- The Frasnian-Famennian Extinction Event(s) and Anoxic Sedimentation: are they related? | H. J. J. Gelsetzer
- A Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Section in the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria) | Reinhard Golebiowski
- A Triassic/Jurassic Boundary Section in the Northern Calcereous Alps (Austria) | Reinhard Golebiowski
- Good News from Köfels (Austria): Abudant Lamellae in Quartz | A. Gratz
- Magnetostratigraphy of Permotriassic Boundary Sections in China and Pakistan | M. Haag
- New Insights of the Permian-Triassic Boundary Event from Core Gartnerkofel-1 (Carnic Alps, Austria) | W. Holser
- Paleomagnetism of the Meishan Permian-Triassic Section at Changxing of Zheijang Province | Li Huamei
- Carbon Isotope Event at the Permian-Triassic Boundary | Jin-Shi Chen
- K/T Boundary Mass Extinction Pattern not Consistent with Single Impact Level | Gerta Keller
- Excursion to the Shocked Quartzes of Köfels (Tyrol, Austria) | Gero Kurat
- Geology of the K/T Boundary Site at Knappengraben Creek (Gams, Styria) | Roman Lahodynsky
- On the Geology of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Transition in Austria | Roman Lahodynsky
- Geomarkers as Indicators of Global Rare Events Exemplified at the K/T Boundary | M. Lindinger
- Magnetostratigraphic Studies across "Rare Event" Boundaries in the Southern and Eastern Alps | Hermann Johann Mauritsch
- The K-Ar Age of Kara Impact Structure: Its Link with the K/T Boundary Event | M. A. Nazarov
- The Permian-Triassic Boundary in the Southern Alps - A Study of Foraminiferal Evolution | S. U. Noe
- Evidence for Early Mesozoic Mass Extinctions in Eastern North American Rift Deposits (Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, Newark Supergroup) | Paul E. Olsen
- Late Maastrichtian Planctonic Foraminifera Extinctions in Central Poland: Patterns and Causal Mechanism | Danuta Peryt
- Event Stratigraphy Exemplified at the K/T Boundary | Anton Preisinger
- The D-C Boundary Event (360 Ma) in the Carnic Alps (Austria) | Hans Peter Schönlaub
- Microfauna and Nannoflora of the Knappengraben Section (Austria) across the Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary | Herbert Stradner
- Structural Features and Microanalyses of Pumice from Köfels (Tyrol, Austria) | Rouben Surenian
- Mineralogical and Geochemical Features of the Barranco del Gredero Sequence (Caravaca, South-Eastern Spain) at the C/T Boundary | S. Vannucci
- Grain Size Distribution Analyses of Hemipelagic Deposits and Turbidity Current Flows Exemplified at the K/T Boundary | Inge Wimmer-Frey
- The Latest Results of permian-Triassic and Frasnian-Famennian Boundary Events in China and Permian-Triassic Boundary Events in Pakistan | Sun Yi-Yin
- Magnetostratigraphy of a new K/T Boundary in the Gosau Beds of Austria | Wolfgang Zeissl
- Magnetostratigraphy of the K/T Boundary in the Knappengraben | Wolfgang Zeissl
- Magnetostratigraphy of the P/Tr Boundary near Passo San Antonio | Wolfgang Zeissl
- Magnetostratigraphy of the Tr/J Boundary in the Kendlbachgraben | Wolfgang Zeissl
- "Strangelove Effect" at the Permian-Triassic Boundary of Meishan Section-A (Zhejiang Province, China) | Yan Zheng
- Carbon Isotopic Event near the Frasnian-Famennian Boundary at Xiantian Section (Louxiu County, Guangxi Autonomus Region, China | Yan Zheng