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Titel Seismic noise study for a new seismic station at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia
VerfasserIn S. I. Kaka
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
ISSN 1680-7340
Digitales Dokument URL
Erschienen In: Improving seismic networks performances: from site selection to data integration (EGU2012 SM1.3/GI1.7 session) ; Nr. 34 (2013-04-30), S.29-32
Datensatznummer 250019089
Publikation (Nr.) Volltext-Dokument
In this paper, I describe the work undertaken at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) in Saudi Arabia to select a suitable site for a new broad band seismic station. The new station will be equipped with a 3-component 120 s to 50 Hz Trillium120 broad band seismometer, Taurus 24-bit data acquisition system along with a large LCD to display the waveform data in real-time. The KFUPM community will have an opportunity to observe daily seismic activity in real-time and to monitor/record both regional and teleseismic events. Moreover, students will gain the opportunity to identify P, S, Love, and Rayleigh waves and learn how to locate an earthquake. The station will also play an important role in providing a source of information about seismic activity for the general public. The station is expected to be operational in a few weeks time.
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