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Titel Diurnal variation of summer precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau: a cloud-resolving simulation
VerfasserIn Jianyu Xu, Zhang Bing,  Minghuan Wang, Wang Huijuan
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
ISSN 0992-7689
Digitales Dokument URL
Erschienen In: Annales Geophysicae ; 30, no. 11 ; Nr. 30, no. 11 (2012-11-08), S.1575-1586
Datensatznummer 250017285
Publikation (Nr.) Volltext-Dokument
In this study, the Weather Research and Forecasting model was used to simulate the diurnal variation in summer precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) at a cloud-resolving scale. Compared with the TRMM, precipitation data shows that the model can well simulate the diurnal rainfall cycle with an overall late-afternoon maximum precipitation in the central TP and a nighttime maximum in the southern edge. The simulated diurnal variations in regional circulation and thermodynamics are in good correspondence with the precipitation diurnal cycles in the central and southern edge of TP, respectively. A possible mechanism responsible for the nocturnal precipitation maximum in the southern edge has been proposed, indicating the importance of the TP in regulating the regional circulation and precipitation.
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