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Titel Investigations of the response of hybrid particle detectors for the Space Environmental Viewing and Analysis Network (SEVAN)
VerfasserIn A. Chilingarian, A. Reymers
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
ISSN 0992-7689
Digitales Dokument URL
Erschienen In: Annales Geophysicae ; 26, no. 2 ; Nr. 26, no. 2 (2008-02-26), S.249-257
Datensatznummer 250016018
Publikation (Nr.) Volltext-Dokument
A network of particle detectors located at middle to low latitudes known as SEVAN (Space Environmental Viewing and Analysis Network) is being created in the framework of the International Heliophysical Year (IHY-2007). It aims to improve the fundamental research of the particle acceleration in the vicinity of the Sun and space environment conditions. The new type of particle detectors will simultaneously measure the changing fluxes of most species of secondary cosmic rays, thus turning into a powerful integrated device used for exploration of solar modulation effects. Ground-based detectors measure time series of secondary particles born in cascades originating in the atmosphere by nuclear interactions of protons and nuclei accelerated in the galaxy. During violent solar explosions, sometimes additional secondary particles are added to this "background" flux. The studies of the changing time series of secondary particles shed light on the high-energy particle acceleration mechanisms. The time series of intensities of high energy particles can also provide highly cost-effective information on the key characteristics of interplanetary disturbances. The recent results of the detection of the solar extreme events (2003–2005) by the monitors of the Aragats Space-Environmental Center (ASEC) illustrate the wide possibilities provided by new particle detectors measuring neutron, electron and muon fluxes with inherent correlations. We present the results of the simulation studies revealing the characteristics of the SEVAN networks' basic measuring module. We illustrate the possibilities of the hybrid particle detector to measure neutral and charged fluxes of secondary CR, to estimate the efficiency and purity of detection; corresponding median energies of the primary proton flux, the ability to distinguish between neutron and proton initiated GLEs and some other important properties of hybrid particle detectors.
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