Titel |
Substorm dynamics revealed by ground observations of two-dimensional auroral structures on 9 October 2000 |
VerfasserIn |
J. Liang, E. F. Donovan, G. J. Sofko, T. Trondsen |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Annales Geophysicae ; 23, no. 12 ; Nr. 23, no. 12 (2005-12-23), S.3599-3613 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/angeo-23-3599-2005.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
Multi-instrument observations of a small substorm event on 9
October 2000 provide, with high time resolution, two-dimensional
information about substorm dynamics. A sequence of three optical
intensifications, each associated with a Pi2 burst, were found, in which the
third auroral intensification marked the onset of a small substorm. All
three intensifications originated close to midnight, but evolved
progressively eastward. Within each of the three optical intensifications, a
few azimuthally-spaced patches appeared, the first one near midnight and the
subsequent patches successively eastward in the postmidnight sector,
providing evidence for drift wave activity in the near-geosynchronous-orbit
plasma sheet (NGOPS). The SuperDARN measurements reveal the development of
eastward electric fields at NGOPS latitude within each Pi2 burst interval.
These observations can be interpreted as supporting the
drift-Alfvén-ballooning (DAB) mode instability and its role in substorm
expansion at NGOPS. |
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