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Titel An initial response of magnetic fields at geosynchronous orbit to Pi 2 onset as observed from the dip-equator
VerfasserIn O. Saka, H. Akaki, O. Watanabe, M. Shinohara, D. N. Baker
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
ISSN 0992-7689
Digitales Dokument URL
Erschienen In: Annales Geophysicae ; 16, no. 5 ; Nr. 16, no. 5, S.542-548
Datensatznummer 250013274
Publikation (Nr.) Volltext-Dokument
Fluxgate magnetometer data recorded at the dip-equator (Huancayo, Peru; 1.44°N, 355.9° in geomagnetic coordinates; 12.1°S, 75.2°W in geographic coordinates; L = 1.00) with higher accuracy of timing (0.1 s) and amplitude resolution (0.01 nT) were utilized to survey an onset of Pi 2 pulsations in the midnight sector (2100–0100 LT) during PROMIS (Polar Region and Outer Magnetosphere International Study) periods (1 March–20 June, 1986). It is found that changing field line magnitude and vector as observed by magnetometer on board the synchronous satellites in the midnight sector often takes place simultaneously with the onset of Pi 2 pulsations at the dip-equator. The field disturbances that follow thereafter tend to last for some time both at the geosynchronous altitudes and the dip-equator. In this report, we examine the initial response of the field lines in space, and attempt to classify how the field line vector changed in the meridional plane.

Key words. Magnetospheric physics · Magnetospheric configuration and dynamics · MHD waves and instabilities · Plasmasphere
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