Titel |
Dye staining and excavation of a lateral preferential flow network |
VerfasserIn |
A. E. Anderson, M. Weiler, Y. Alila, R. O. Hudson |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ; 13, no. 6 ; Nr. 13, no. 6 (2009-06-29), S.935-944 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/hess-13-935-2009.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
Preferential flow paths have been found to be important for runoff
generation, solute transport, and slope stability in many areas around the
world. Although many studies have identified the particular characteristics
of individual features and measured the runoff generation and solute
transport within hillslopes, very few studies have determined how individual
features are hydraulically connected at a hillslope scale. In this study, we
used dye staining and excavation to determine the morphology and spatial
pattern of a preferential flow network over a large scale (30 m). We explore
the feasibility of extending small-scale dye staining techniques to the
hillslope scale. We determine the lateral preferential flow paths that are
active during the steady-state flow conditions and their interaction with
the surrounding soil matrix. We also calculate the velocities of the flow
through each cross-section of the hillslope and compare them to hillslope
scale applied tracer measurements. Finally, we investigate the relationship
between the contributing area and the characteristics of the preferential
flow paths. The experiment revealed that larger contributing areas coincided
with highly developed and hydraulically connected preferential flow paths
that had flow with little interaction with the surrounding soil matrix. We
found evidence of subsurface erosion and deposition of soil and organic
material laterally and vertically within the soil. These results are
important because they add to the understanding of the runoff generation,
solute transport, and slope stability of preferential flow-dominated
hillslopes. |
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