Titel |
Direct radiative effect of aerosols emitted by transport: from road, shipping and aviation |
VerfasserIn |
Y. Balkanski, G. Myhre, M. Gauss, G. Rädel, E. J. Highwood, K. P. Shine |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 10, no. 10 ; Nr. 10, no. 10 (2010-05-17), S.4477-4489 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/acp-10-4477-2010.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
Aerosols and their precursors are emitted abundantly by transport activities.
Transportation constitutes one of the fastest growing activities and its
growth is predicted to increase significantly in the future. Previous studies
have estimated the aerosol direct radiative forcing from one transport
sub-sector, but only one study to our knowledge estimated the range of
radiative forcing from the main aerosol components (sulphate, black carbon
(BC) and organic carbon) for the whole transportation sector. In this study,
we compare results from two different chemical transport models and three
radiation codes under different hypothesis of mixing: internal and external
mixing using emission inventories for the year 2000. The main results from
this study consist of a positive direct radiative forcing for aerosols
emitted by road traffic of +20±11 mW m−2 for an externally
mixed aerosol, and of +32±13 mW m−2 when BC is internally
mixed. These direct radiative forcings are much higher than the previously
published estimate of +3±11 mW m−2. For transport activities
from shipping, the net direct aerosol radiative forcing is negative. This
forcing is dominated by the contribution of the sulphate. For both an
external and an internal mixture, the radiative forcing from shipping is
estimated at −26±4 mW m−2. These estimates are in very good
agreement with the range of a previously published one (from −46 to
−13 mW m−2) but with a much narrower range. By contrast, the direct
aerosol forcing from aviation is estimated to be small, and in the range
−0.9 to +0.3 mW m−2. |
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