Titel |
Towards a network of observatories in terrestrial environmental research |
VerfasserIn |
H. Bogena, K. Schulz, H. Vereecken |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Integration of hydrological models on different spatial and temporal scales ; Nr. 9 (2006-09-26), S.109-114 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/adgeo-9-109-2006.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
In order to address the challenges of global change, interdisciplinary
research in terrestrial environmental science is of great importance.
Several environmental research networks have already been established in
order to monitor, analyse and predict the impact of global change on
different compartments and/or matter cycles of the environment. Typically
these environmental research networks have focused on specific research
questions, and compartments, such as CarboEurope, FLUXNET and ILTER. In this
paper, we propose the establishment of a network of terrestrial
observatories, defined as a system consisting of the subsurface environment,
the land surface including the biosphere, the lower atmosphere and the
anthroposphere. Hydrological units will be used as the basic scaling units
in a hierarchy of evolving scales and structures ranging from the local
scale to the regional scale for multi-disciplinary process studies. Although
terrestrial systems are extremely complex, the terrestrial component in most
process-based climate and biosphere models is typically represented in a
very conceptual and often rudimentary way. Remedying this deficiency is
therefore one of the most important challenges in environmental and
terrestrial research, and we suggest that terrestrial observatories could be
an important step towards a new quality in environmental and terrestrial
research. |
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