Titel |
Long-time global radiation for Central Europe derived from ISCCP Dx data |
VerfasserIn |
N. Petrenz, M. Sommer, F. H. Berger |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 7, no. 18 ; Nr. 7, no. 18 (2007-09-28), S.5021-5032 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/acp-7-5021-2007.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
The global Dx dataset of the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project
(ISCCP) with a spatial resolution of about 30×30 km² was analysed to produce spatially highly resolved long-time
datasets to describe the radiation budget for Central Europe over the period
of 1984–2000. The computation of shortwave and longwave radiant flux
densities at top of atmosphere and at surface was based on 1D radiative
transfer simulations. The simulations were carried out for all relevant
atmospheric and surface conditions and the results were inserted into a
look-up table. Thus, long-time calculations for all conditions and time
slices of the Dx dataset could be realised. The study is focussed on the
global radiation at surface.
The first examination was carried out for the ISCCP D1 and the ISCCP D2
dataset. These datasets, including cloud and surface information on a
different spatial scale (280×280 km2), were applied to the produced
look-up table analogue to the Dx data. The calculated global radiation of
the D1 and D2 dataset were compared to the Dx dataset. The differences
between these datasets mainly range from 5–15 Wm−2 (2–6%)
with regional peaks up to 25 Wm−2 (10%).
The evaluation with the GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget (SRB)
data emphasises differences between 5–25 Wm−2 (6–16%) over land areas. Deviations to an ISCCP
provided flux data set vary from 0 Wm−2 in the North up to 35 Wm−2
(0–13%) in the South of Central Europe.
The global radiation datasets provided by the Global Energy Balance Archive
(GEBA) and the German Meteorological Service (DWD) agree
well, but they are 5–25 Wm−2 (7–10%) lower than the Dx
Annual analyses of global radiation of various regional climate models
complete the study. It is figured out that the used models and methods
reveal a couple of discrepancies. Especially in wintertime the results of
our analysis differ to the considered models. Principally the uncertainties
were caused by the determined range of values and simplifications for the
computation of the radiative transfer simulation. |
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