Titel |
Oceanic tracer and proxy time scales revisited |
VerfasserIn |
C. Siberlin, C. Wunsch |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Climate of the Past ; 7, no. 1 ; Nr. 7, no. 1 (2011-01-11), S.27-39 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/cp-7-27-2011.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
Quantifying time-responses of the ocean to tracer input is important to the
interpretation of paleodata from sediment cores – because surface-injected
tracers do not instantaneously spread throughout the ocean. To obtain insights
into the time response, a computationally efficient state-transition matrix
method is demonstrated and used to compute successive states of passive tracer
concentrations in the global ocean. Times to equilibrium exceed a thousand
years for regions of the global ocean outside of the injection and convective
areas and concentration gradients give time-lags from hundreds to thousands of
years between the Atlantic and Pacific abyss, depending on the injection
region and the nature of the boundary conditions employed. Equilibrium times
can be much longer than radiocarbon ages – both because the latter are
strongly biased towards the youngest fraction of fluid captured in a sample,
and because they represent distinct physical properties. Use of different
boundary conditions – concentration, or flux – produces varying response
times, with the latter depending directly upon pulse duration. With pulses,
the sometimes very different transient approach to equilibrium in various
parts of the ocean generates event identification problems. |
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