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Titel Partitioning of snowy and rainy precipitation in a case of a north Adriatic frontal passage
VerfasserIn M. Monai, A. M. Rossa, A. C. Bonan
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
ISSN 1680-7340
Digitales Dokument URL
Erschienen In: 7th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms (2005) ; Nr. 7 (2006-04-18), S.279-284
Datensatznummer 250004305
Publikation (Nr.) Volltext-Dokument
A case of snow fall in the plains of the Northern Italian region Veneto is presented from a forecasters' perspective. Contrasting forecast guidance came from the ECMWF global model and the limited area model LAMI. The former showed a marked warm-moist Sirocco flow coming from the Adriatic Sea onto the coast at all levels, the latter discerned a distinct cold air flow from the north-east along the foothills of the Alps. The integrated observing network of the Centro Meteorologico di Teolo ARPA Veneto revealed this cold-air structure and helped the forecaster in the choice of the forecast and underpin the snowfall alert to the road authorities. It is argued that this feature is a crucial element for the occurrence of snowfall over the Veneto plains, and that the high-resolution numerical weather prediction model was essential in describing this mesoscale feature. The nature of the north-easterly flow is thought to be a combination of a Bora like flow and a barrier jet induced by flow blocking by the Alps.
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