Titel |
Simulation of water movement and isoproturon behaviour in a heavy clay soil using the MACRO model |
VerfasserIn |
T. J. Besien, N. J. Jarvis, R. J. Williams |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ; 1, no. 4 ; Nr. 1, no. 4, S.835-844 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/hess-1-835-1997.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
In this paper, the dual-porosity MACRO model has been
used to investigate methods of reducing leaching of isoproturon from a structured heavy clay soil. The MACRO
model was applied to a pesticide leaching data-set generated from a plot scale experiment
on a heavy clay soil at the Oxford University Farm, Wytham, England. The field drain was found
to be the most important outflow from the plot in terms of pesticide removal. Therefore, this
modelling exercise concentrated on simulating field drain flow. With calibration of field-saturated
and micropore saturated hydraulic conductivity, the drain flow hydrographs were simulated
during extended periods of above average rainfall, with both the hydrograph shape and
peak flows agreeing well. Over the whole field season, the observed drain
flow water budget was well simulated. However, the first and second drain flow events after pesticide application
were not simulated satisfactorily. This is believed to be due to a poor simulation of
evapotranspiration during a period of low rainfall around the pesticide application day. Apart
from an initial rapid drop in the observed isoproturon soil residue, the model simulated isoproturon
residues during the 100 days after pesticide application reasonably well. Finally, the calibrated
model was used to show that changes in agricultural practice (deep ploughing, creating fine consolidated
seed beds and organic matter applications) could potentially reduce pesticide leaching
to surface waters by up to 60%. |
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