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GeoTirol 2016: Annual Meeting DGGV: 25-28 September 2016, Innsbruck, Austria: Abstract Volume
Hugo Ortner
Institut für Geologie, Universität Innsbruck
XXVII, 371 S.
Publikation (Nr.)
Geologie (angewandte)
Geograf. Schlagwort
Innsbruck (Kongreß)
Alte Bücher (älter als 1918), Archivstücke und Karten werden nicht außer Haus entlehnt.
Multidisciplinary approach to evaluate connection between permafrost degradation and Deep Seated Gravitational Slide Deformation activity: a case study from Schnalstal, South Tyrolean Alps, Italy | Gabriele Amato
In-situ minor and trace elements in sulphides of the Ötztal-Stubai units: first results from qXRF and EPMA | Thomas Angerer
Multikomponentensystem einer alpinen Karstquelle am Beispiel der Schwarzen Torren, Bluntautal | Lilly Aufdembrinke
Speleological evidences of current tectonic activity along major fault systems of the Eastern Alps | Ivo Baroň
Silurian anoxic events at the Cellon Section (Austria) through an ichnofabric eye | Andrea Baucon
Assessing friction coefficients in forests for rockfall propagation modelling | Christian Bauer
Paleogene and Neogene kinematics of the Alpine-Carpathian fold-thurst belt at the Alpine-Carpathian transition | Andreas Beidinger
The ultramafic body of Nauders - part of the deeper mantle of the Tasna Ocean-Continent-transition | Rufus Bertle
Structure of the upper mantle beneath the Alps and Apennines as seen by Receiver Functions | Irene Bianchi
Auf dem Weg zur "gleichen Sprache" im Quartär und bei Massenbewegungen | Mathias Günther Bichler
Aragonite-calcite vein mineralizations from the "Erzberg" iron-ore mine: Radiometric dating, hydrogeochemical & neotectonic constraints | Ronny Boch
Large-Scale Seismic Anisotropy under the Alps | Götz Bokelmann
Konzeptionelles hydrogeologisches Modell rezenter Massenbewegungen am Beispiel der Embacher Plaike und Hochebene, Salzburg, Österreich | Katharina Brandner
Hydrogeologische Aspekte beim Bau des Brenner Basistunnels | Ulrich Burger
Shallow P-wave and S-wave seismic imaging of overdeepened alpine structures | Thomas Burschil
Die Stratigraphie und Paläoökologie der Leithakalke im südlichen Wiener Becken aus der Bohrung Bruckneudorf EKB02 | Stjepan Ćorić
Egerian calcareous nannofossils and foraminifers (paleoecology and biostratigraphy) from the North Alpine Foreland Basin of Upper Austria | Stjepan Ćorić
Constraints on the location of the earthquake 1348 of Carinthia, Friuli, Villach derived from its ESI-2007 environmental intensity | Kurt Decker
Shear wakening for different lithologies observed at different saturation stages | Elisabeth Diethart
Comparison between Holocene and modern erosion rates in the catchment of the 300 MW Baspa II hydroelectric power plant (India, NW Himalaya) | Erich Draganits
Detailed morpho-lithological mapping of the Tschirgant rockslide - rock avalanche deposit (Tyrol, Austria) and identification of emplacement processes | Anja Dufresne
Felssturzereignisse in den Gemeinden Obertraun und Ohlsdorf; Sicherungsmaßnahmen und auftretende Umsetzungsschwierigkeiten | Markus Einberger
Semi-automated landslide mapping based on multispectral satellite imagery: two Austrian case studies from the Land@Slide project | Clemens Eisank
Sattelkar - Vom Blockgletscher zur Großmassenbewegung | Ludwig Fegerl
Hinweise auf permische und triassische Metamorphosephasen im Tauernfenster durch die chemische U-Th-Pb Datierung von akzessorischen Uraninit-Mikrokristallen | Fritz Finger
Seasonal Change Detection of the Steinlehnen landslide by multi-temporal long-range terrestrial laser scanning (Tyrol, Austria) | Thilo Forster
Eustatic cycles across the P-T boundary: Evidence from the NW Tethyan shelf (Werfen Formation) and the peri-Tethyan realm (Buntsandstein) | Matthias Franz
Slow directional evolution, cryptic speciation, and the impact of environmental changes on assemblage composition in Middle to late Miocene Mediterranean and Paratethyan planktic foraminiferal genus Orbulina | Holger Gebhardt
A Cluster of Repeating Seismicity around Moho-depths in Upper-Austria | Andreas Gerner
Petrology and geothermobarometry of the Veitsch Mn-deposit (Styria, Austria) | Daniela Girtler
Kleinere und Größere (Natur)Katastrophen in Kärnten | Franz Goldschmidt
The Freyenstein Subordinated Fault System - shear zone and Fault development along the South Bohemian Batholith (Austria) | Gerit E. U. Griesmeier
A new, detailed tectonic map of subduction-exhumation structures in the central Tauern Window | Philip Groß
GBA Thesaurus - more than a controlled vocabulary for GBA associates | Vicky Haider
Polyphase deformation in the Eastern Greywacke Zone | Doria Haller
Five years of TLS rockwall monitoring at the Kitzsteinhorn (3.203 m), Hohe Tauern, Austria: Identifying the influence of glacial thinning on rockfall in glacial headwalls | Ingo Hartmeyer
Interaktives RohstoffinformationsSystem IRIS - Nutzbare Locker- und Festgesteine in Österreich | Maria Heinrich
Eine geologische Reise durch die österreichischen Weinbaugebiete | Maria Heinrich
Vertical vs. inclined testing of falling rock protection systems | Christian Heiss
Geology "to go" - Geologische Entscheidungsfindung - rasch und trotzdem richtig | Gunther Heißel
Reflections on landslides in Western Tyrol | Gunther Heißel
H- und O-Isotopenverhältnisse und Temperaturen von thermalem Grundwasser im Gneis des Ahornkerns bei Hintertux, Tuxertal, Österreich | Claus-Dieter Johannes Heldmann
Synsedimentary tectonics and mass wasting along the Alpine margin in Liassic time | Rüdiger Henrich
Deformation behaviour of feldspar in greenschist facies granitoid mylonites from the Austroalpine basement to the south of the western Tauern window, Eastern Alps | Felix Hentschel
Thermalwasserregime Klammkalk zwischen Taxenbach und der Liechtensteinklamm | Sylke Hilberg
The multifunctional geologic datasets of Austria (1:1.500.000) - including a new classification scheme for "Tectonic Boundaries" | Esther Hintersberger
Kohlendioxid in Wasser mit Alkalinität | Gerhard Hobiger
Der Einfluss des Catchments auf das Abflussverhalten beim Hochwasserereignis vom 02. Juni 2013, aufgezeichnet in Höhlen und Karstquellen im Land Salzburg | Giorgio Höfer-Öllinger
The DataViewer module - a new perspective on spatial data (illustrated by map sheet 88 Achenkirch) | Christine Hörfarter
Influence of depth and clay content for two boreholes from the Vienna Basin; Focusing on the Rock Physics Template | Denise Hofer
Wo die Wiener Mammuts grasten - Naturgeschichte(n) vermitteln als Öffentlichkeitsarbeit | Thomas Hofmann
Die Bibliothek der Geologischen Bundesanstalt als Quelle zentraler Informationsressourcen | Thomas Hofmann
The Norian "fish shales" of the Wiestal ("Seefeld-Formation", Upper Triassic, Salzburg, Austria) | Thomas Hornung
Neue Ergebnisse zur Geologie und Tektonik des Wettersteinmassivs (Neukartierung der Kartenblätter der Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:25.000, 8531/8631 Zugspitze & 8532/8632 Garmisch-Partenkirchen) | Thomas Hornung
Neue Ergebnisse zur Geologie der Allgäuer Alpen (Neukartierung der Kartenblätter der Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:25.000, 8627 Einödsbach und 8727 Biberkopf) | Thomas Hornung
Muren Monitoring System am Lattenbach | Johannes Hübl
Grundwasseralter - Mittlere Verweilzeiten in ausgewählten Grundwasserkörpern | Franko Humer
Karstdoku: Literaturdatenbank der karsthydrologischen Untersuchungen in Österreich | Franko Humer
Age and structure of the Stolzalpe nappe - Evidence for Variscan metamorphism, Eoalpine top-to-the-WNW thrusting and top-to-the-ESE normal faulting (Gurktal Alps, Austria) | Christoph Iglseder
Spodumene bearing pegmatites in the Austroalpine unit (Eastern Alps): New field observations and geochronological data | Tanja Ilickovic
Analysis and reconstructed modeling of the debris flow events 2012, 2013 in Austria with numerical simulation models | Stefan Janu
Geologische 3D-Modellierung im Wiener U-Bahn-Bau | Christine Jawecki
Project of Near-Real-Time Generation of Shakemaps and a New Hazard Map in Austria | Yan Jia
Event documentation of the debris flow event at Sattelkar, Obersulzbachtal, Sbg. | Roland Kaitna
Geodynamic constraints on mantle flow patterns beneath the Alps | Boris J. P. Kaus
AlpArray collaborative research initiative addressing fundamental questions of Alpine Orogeny | Edi Kissling
4d-modelling of fault kinematics along a Periadriatic Fault cross section deduced from (U-Th)/He and fission-track analyses | Thomas Klotz
Felssturz an der A9 Pyhrnautobahn, Wald/Schoberpass: Ereignisanalyse, Sicherheitsmanagement und Gefahrenanalyse | Gerhard Koch
Erfassung der Hydrogeologie ausgewählter Talflurabschnitte des Oberinntals (Tirol, Austria) mit Hilfe bidirektional gekoppelter 2D-Oberflächen- und 3D-Grundwasserströmungsmodelle | Christian Kölling
First Water - Isotope - Map (δ 180, δ 2H, 3H) of Austria: Applications, Extremes and Trends | Martin Kralik
Die neue "Geologische Karte der Republik Österreich 1:25.000" im UTM-System | Hans Georg Krenmayr
Inhalte und Layout der neuen "Geologische(n) Karte der Republik Österreich 1:25.000" im UTM-System: Feedback erwünscht! | Hans Georg Krenmayr
Heavy mineral analysis and garnet geochemistry of modern stream sediments from the western Hohe Tauern (Austria) | Anne Krippner
Crystals, grains or cracks? Causes for seismic anisotropy in rocks from the Eclogite Zone, Tauern Window, Austria | Robert Marek Kurzawski
New constraints on post-20 Ma counter-clockwise rotation of Adria relative to Europe | Eline Le Breton
Detecting and quantifying debris flow-related geomorphologic changes in an alpine catchment using LIDAR and photogrammetry data | Veronika Lechner
3D visualization of the sedimentary infill and polyphase subsidence evolution in the northern and central parts of the Vienna Basin (Miocene) | Eun Young Lee
A new palynoflora from Austria: Preliminary results of pollen and spores from the clay pit at Schaßbach (Oberaigen), Lavanttal, Carinthia | Sophie Lichtenegger
Lateral extrusion in the Eastern Alps revisited: left-lateral transpression structures along the foreland basin of the Eastern Alps | Hans-Gert Linzer
Polyphase deformation in high-grade Variscan domains of the SE-Bohemian Massif: implication for tectonic evolution of a deeply eroded collisional belt | Marlene Löberbauer
Proposal for a new subdivision of the Nappe System of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Eastern Alps, Austria) | Gerhard W. Mandl
U-Pb zircon ages of the Austroalpine Seckau Nappe basement (Eastern Alps): Hints for pre-Alpine magmatism | Magdalena Mandl
Rockfall and landslide hazard potential at Mount Plassen, Upper Austria (Eastern Alps) | Sandra Melzner
Clay mineralogy of Miocene mudstones of the Molasse Zone, Lower Austria | Maria Elisabeth Meszar
Late Triassic fore-reef evolution of the Dachstein Carbonate Platform - ion-exchange and biostratigraphic aspects | Sigrid Missoni
Some biogeochemical aspects of the Late Norian Hallstatt Limestone | Sigrid Missoni
Mechanisms of extreme lithospheric thinning in the Alpine Tethys rifted margins: Insights from field observations and numerical modeling | Geoffroy Mohn
Critical rainfall conditions triggering shallow landslides or debris flows in torrents - analysis of debrix flow events 2012, 2013 and 2014 in Austria | Markus Moser
The graphite mine of Zettlitz, Drosendorf (Bohemian Massif, Austria) | Nina-Luise Müller
Ein Vergleich von dynamischen Einwirkungen von Muren an einem starren Bauwerk und einer flexiblen Netzsperre in einem kleinmaßstäblichen Modellversuch | Georg Nagl
How to correlate middle and lower crust of an inverted passive margin with detached sedimentary units in an orogen? | Franz Neubauer
Late-stage motion of Adria, fragmentation of the Periadriatic fault and the structure of the central Eastern Alps | Franz Neubauer
From Early Cambrian arc magmatism to Jurassic rifting: Tectonic evolution of the Lower Austroalpine Schwarzhorn Amphibolite (Eastern Rätikon, Austria) | Nils-Peter Nilius
Der Serpentinit-Komplex beim Weiler Dun und sein tektonischer Rahmen (SW' Tauernfenster, Pfunderer Tal, Südtirol) | Mathias Oehlke
Trace element content of sphalerite from Eastern Alpine Paleozoic sediment-hosted lead-zinc-copper deposits | Peter Onuk
Errichtung und Überwachung hoher Böschungen von Tunnelausbruchdeponien beim Bau des Brenner Basistunnels | Georg Orsi
Impact of escape tectonics on the evolution of the Austrian-German Alpine foreland basin | Hugo Ortner
The Zugspitze cross section and the structure of the western Northern Calcareous Alps | Hugo Ortner
Testing a buckle fold model in the thrust belt of the Western Northern Calcareous Alps | Patrick Oswald
Tonmineralogie und Ingenieurgeologie - Widerspruch oder Ergänzung? | Franz Ottner
A new Litho- und Chemostratigraphical Concept for the Miocene Lower Austrian Molasse Basin (LAMB) | Markus Palzer-Khomenko
Intensity prediction equation and event epicenter determination for Austria | María del Puy Papí Isaba
Cooling effect of the coarse, blocky top layer at two differently oriented relict rock glaciers, Austrian Alps | Marcus Pauritsch
Cavity Detection with full-waveform Inversion at Mount Erzberg, Austria | Katrin Peters
Hydrogeological investigations in south-eastern Bucklige Welt, Lower Austria | Sebastian Pfleiderer
GIS-derived resource quality of alluvial fans, valley fills and debris cones in Austria | Sebastian Pfleiderer
Bayesian fusion of geophysical data-sets: how to integrate passive and active seismic, structural and borehole data for high-resolution modeling of the Vienna sedimentary basin | Nicola Piana Agostinetti
Underground sun storage - a study on properties of hydrogen admixture in porous underground-gas-storage facilties by means of an in-situ experiment | Markus Pichler
The glacially overdeepened Salzach Valley: Constraints on its geometry and filling | Johannes Pomper
Discontinuity analyses using methodically different in-situ and remote sensing measurements (Simmering/Haiming case study, Tyrol) | Christoph Prager
Geological characteristics of the Fernpass rock avalanche deposits (Tyrol, Austria) | Christoph Prager
Der äußere Schelf des Helvetikums östlich der Bregenzer Ach: Rekonstruktion der Ablagerungsbedingungen der Mittagsspitz-Formation (Barremium-Aptium) in Vorarlberg (Österreich) | Mario Reichenbach
From nappe stacking to exhumation: Cretaceous tectonics in the Apuseni Mountains (Romania) | Martin Reiser
Hazard zoning for rock-fall: a new and standardized approach for Austria according to ÖREK, demonstrated on a case study | Benedikt Rieder
The role of fault zones in calcareous rocks and the change in reservoir properties from outcrop to depth | Doris Rupprecht
Neotectonic deformation in Quaternary deposits near Innsbruck (Eastern Alps) | Diethard Gerald Sanders
Geophysik in der Grundwassererkundung | Marcellus Gregor Schreilechner
Mitten im Schadenszentrum - die Rolle der (Landes)geologen bei verdachtsflächenerkundung und Altlastensanierung | Martin Schröttner
Automated SEM-EDS methods in support of EMP-monazite dating and P-T path reconstruction in the polymetamorphic garnet micaschists of the Austroalpine Saualpe Eclogite Unit | Bernhard Schulz
Dating apophyllite from the Deccan Volcanic Province (India) | Ralf Schuster
Platinum-group element-bearing copper-nickel-cobalt mineralization in the Habach Group, Tauern Window, Salzburg | Sonja Schwabl
Groundwater hydrochemistry in metamorphic rocks and Quaternary deposits of high-alpine slopes (Upper Kauner Valley, (Austria) | Thomas Strauhal
Systematische Trennflächenaufnahme in geklüfteten Granodioritgneisen zur Gebirgscharakterisierung und Ermittlung von In-Situ Blockgrößenverteilungen | Thomas Strauhal
Iridium and other elemental variations across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary in sections at Kuhjoch and Kendlbach, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria | Lawrence H. Tanner
Impact of mass movements on hydrogeological systems: An example from Carinthia Austria | Felix Thalheim
Recrystallization of quartz after high-stress crystal plasticity in natural shear zones | Claudia A. Trepmann
Detection of shallow landslides, triggered by exceptional meteorological events, by means of high resolution multispectral remote sensing: examples based on open data from western Austria | Filippo Vecchiotti
Discharge behavior of alpine watersheds influenced by relict rock glaciers: Examples of the Niedere Tauern Range, Austria | Thomas Wagner
Stratigraphic signals around the Santonian-Campanian boundary carbon isotope event | Michael Wagreich
Polyphase Au-Ag-As-Cu-Bi mineralization in the orogenic gold deposit Rotgülden, Austria | Daniela Wallner
Austrian empirical seismic ground motion models and site effects | Stefan Weginger
Uran im Grundwasser | Uta Wemhöner
Würmeiszeit und die Rückzugsstadien im Alpenrheintal | Peter Zwahlen