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Dynamics of the Pannonian-Carpathian-Dinaride System: PANCARDI Workshop 1996
Kurt Decker
PANCARDI Workshop (1996 : Lindabrunn)
Gesellschaft der Geologie- und Bergbaustudenten in Österreich
148 S.
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft der Geologie- und Bergbaustudenten in Österreich
; Nr. 41 (1996)
Publikation (Nr.)
Alpines Orogen
Pannonische Tiefebene
Geograf. Schlagwort
Neulinggasse_Lesesaal H.B.943
Alte Bücher (älter als 1918), Archivstücke und Karten werden nicht außer Haus entlehnt.
Teil von
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft der Geologie- und Bergbaustudenten in Österreich
A preliminary study of gravity field in the Eastern and Southern Carpathians and the narrow continental rifts in the Pannonian Basin | Miroslav Bielik
Alpine structure and geodynamic evolution of the Balkanides | Christo Dabovski
The Vienna Basin: tectonics, subsidence and thermal evolution of a thin-skinned pull-apart | Kurt Decker
Miocene tectonics at the Alpine-Carpathian junction and the evolution of the Vienna basin | Kurt Decker
Rollover and hanging-wall collapse during Sarmatiam/Pannonian synsedimentary extension in the Eisenstadt Basin | Kurt Decker
New geothermal measurement in Transylvanian Depression: Preliminary report on a joint cooperation between the Institute of Geodynamics, Bucharest, Romania and the Geophysical Laboratory, Aarhus, Denmark | Crisan Demetrescu
Neogene magmatism and tectonics in the Carpatho-Pannonian region | Hilary Downes
Pre-Alpine and Alpine metamorphic history of the Sopron Hills (Burgenland, Austria) | Erich Draganits
Dynamics of the Pannonian-Carpathian-Dinaride System: Abstracts of the Workshop Lindabrunn near Vienna 23rd - 29th September 1996
Tertiary tectonics evolution of the Pannonian basin system and neighbouring orogens: a new synthesis of paleostress data | László Fodor
Miocene tectonic evolution of the Periadriatic Zone and surrounding area in Slovenia: repeated dextral transpression | László Fodor
Relationship between tectonic zones of the Albanides, based on results of geophysical studies | Alfred Frasheri
Notes on the Plio-/Pleistocene volcanism of the Styrian Basin | Ingomar Fritz
Seismotectonic comparison of alpine collision structures: examples of recent extrusion in the Eastern Alps and in Turkey | Georg Gangl
The common inversion of the seismological and DSS data: New traveltime tomography method and results for Europe | Valentin S. Geyko
Paleomagnetic constraints for paleogeographic position of Tatricum and Fatricum (Central West Carpathians) in the Late Mesozoic | Jacek Grabowski
Thermal effects of the exhumation of metamorphic core complex on syn-rift sediments: an example from the Rechnitz Window (Austria) | Bernhard Grasemann
Gondwana origin of the Tisza-Dacia Unit? Arguments from paleomagnetism | Ulrich Hambach
Neogene magmatism at the Alpine-Pannonian transition zone | Szabolcs Harangi
Remote sensing, structural geology and 3D-seismic: an integrated approach to explore tectonic structures in the Vienna Basin | Hermann Häusler
The lateral extrusion of the Eastern Alps: fact or fiction? | Ewald Hejl
Neotectonics of the Pannonian Basin | Frank Horváth
Contemporary stress partitioning in the Polish Western Carpathians | Marek Jarosiński
Pre neogene terranes in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula | Stevan Karamata
Neogene tectonics, basin formation and sedimentation at the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian junction zone | Michal Kovac
Principal geological and geophysical characteristic of the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian junction | Michal Kovac
Geological evolution and hydrocarbon habitat of the External Albanides | Peter Krois
Neogene superterranes of Dinarides and Carpatho-Balkanides in SR Yugoslavia | Nadezda Krstic
From compression through extension to inversion - Miocene tectonics of the Polish Carpathian Foredeep basin | Piotr Krzywiec
Basin evolution of several sub-basins of the Pannonian Basin System - constraints from subsidence analyses and basin modelling | Anco C. Lankreijer
Heat flow in the PANCARDI region and its geodynamic significance | Laszlo Lenkey
Kinematics of retreating subduction in the Carpathians | Hans-Gert Linzer
Structural correlation between the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria) and the Transdanubian Central Range (Hungary) | Hans-Gert Linzer
Tectonomagmatic constraints on the dynamics of the stages of subduction in the Eastern Carpathians | Paul Mason
Tertiary tectonic evolution of Southern Carpathians external area - reconstruction using kinematic and depth data | Liviu Matenco
Lateral variations in the mechanical properties of the Romanian Outer Carpathians: Inferences of flexure- and gravity modelling | Liviu Matenco
Continental collisions and the ending phases of subduction in the Eastern and Southern Carpathians: incorporation of geophysical data from Romania | Victor Mocanu
The Southern Carpathians - wrench-fault corridor in the Western Margin of the Moesian Platform | Franz Moser
Tertiary subduction mechanism of the Carpathian-Pannonian region | Michal Nemcok
Kinematics of the Periadriatic Fault in the Eastern Alps: evidence from paleostress analysis, fission track dating and basin modelling | Franz Nemes
Middle Jurassic subduction-related volcanism and Cretaceous kinematics in Meliata units of the eastern Northern Calcareous Alps | Franz Neubauer
Multiple episodes of extension and contraction in the Eastern Alps | Franz Neubauer
Timing of basement reactivation in the Inner Western Carpathians | Pauline O'Shea
P- and S-wave tomography of the Vrancea seismogenic zone | Mihnea C. Oncescu
Geodynamic evolution of the Central Dinarides | Jakob Pamic
Which is the time of rotation? Review of paleomagnetic and K-Ar data from Romania | Cristian Panaiotu
Early to Middle Miocene tectonics of the eastern part of the Northern Calcareous Alps | Herwig Peresson
From extension to compression: Late Miocene stress inversion in the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian transition area | Herwig Peresson
Styles of Miocene thrusting, strike-slip faulting and extension in the eastern Calcareous Alps | Herwig Peresson
Chronology of Cretaceous tectonic events in the Central Western Carpathians | Dušan Plašienka
The maps of tectonostratigraphic units and principal structures of the Western Carpathians and adjacent areas | Dušan Plašienka
The Southern Alps - Dinarides relationship | Marijan Poljak
Subsidence analysis of reconstructed profiles of the Pienniny Klippen Belt Basin | Pawel Poprawa
Pre-orogenic evolution of the Polish part of Outer Carpathians - quantitative subsidence and uplift analysis | Pawel Poprawa
Tectonical activity and facies distribution of the Neogene and Quaternary deposits in the Croatian part of the Pannonian Basin | Eduard Prelogovic
Stratigraphic correlation of the Paratethys Oligocene and Miocene | Fred Rögl
A new model on the tectono-sedimentary evolution of southwestern Pannonian basin during the Late Miocene | Marco Sacchi
Tertiary Basins in Slovenia | Reinhard F. Sachsenhofer
The Neogene Styrian Basin | Reinhard F. Sachsenhofer
The Neogene Styrian Basin: An overview | Reinhard F. Sachsenhofer
Paleogeographic and orogenic evolution of the Alps | Stefan M. Schmid
The Alps-Dinarides superposition in NE Italy - observations and models from two interfering foldbelts | Gregor Schoenborn
Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene volcanism of the Styrian and Klagenfurt Basins (Eastern Alps, Austria): geochemistry and geodynamic implications | Giancarlo Serri
Paleozoic evolution of the Tethyan domain | Gérard M. Stampfli
Characteristics of the lithosphere reflected upon electromagnetic parameters along the magneto-telluric profiles in Romania | Maria Stanica
East Carpathian-Pannonian connection according to geophysical data | Vitali I. Starostenko
A magnetotelluric study of the high-resistivity basement of the Carpathians | Michal Stefaniuk
Geological structure of the West Carpathian Flysch Belt and its relation to the Eastern Alps | Zdenek Stranik
From where the tectonic slices of the Cretaceous age could have been transported into the Magura Group of nappes? | Lilian Švábenická
Deformational sequence of a flysch sandstone: examples from Outer Carpathians (Poland) | Anna Swierczewska
The gravity field of the Pancardi Region and its geodynamic implications | Peter Szafian
Extreme crustal extension in the Raba River extensional corridor (Austria/Hungary) | Gabor C. Tari
Alpine tectonics in the East Carpathian/Pannonian transitional zone (Hungary/Romania) | Gabor Tari
Alpine tectonics in the East Alpine-Pannonian transition zone (Austria-Hungary) | Gabor Tari
Geodynamic evolution of the area adjoining the Pannonian Basin and Dinarides | Vlasta Tari
Trace elements and isotope geochemistry of ultramafic xenoliths: constraints on the lithospheric mantle beneath the Graz Basin (Eastern Austria) | Orlando Vaselli
Results of deep seismic reflection profiling across the East Rhodopes, South Bulgaria | Alexander Velev
Style of postsedimentary deformation in Plio-Quaternary Velenje basin, NE Slovenia | Marko Vrabec
Shift of basin subsidence due to oblique subduction along the Northern Austroalpine margin during the Late Cretaceous-Tertiary of the Eastern Alps and the Western Carpathians | Michael Wagreich
Alpine thrust and subthrust structures below the Vienna Basin and along its adjacent borders | Godfried Wessely
The geodynamic evolution of the Alpine-Mediterranean region: from structure to dynamics | Rinus Wortel
The complex evolution of the Western Outer Carpathians: implications of flexure- and gravity modelling | Reini Zoetemeijer
Jointing in the Skiba (Skole) Unit, Ukrainian Carpathians: preliminary results | Witold Zuchiewicz
Jointing in the Polish Outer Carpathians: hints for stress field reorientation | Witold Zuchiewicz
Dating the rotation of the Tisza-Dacia block by paleomagnetic analysis of Tertiary sedimentary rocks | Peter Zweigel
The Outer Eastern Carpathians record continuous convergence since the late Cretaceous | Peter Zweigel