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Signatur |
Titel |
Mountain Research and Development |
Erscheinungsort |
Berkeley |
Verlag |
University of California Press
Erscheinungsjahr |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Bestand |
Vol.24.2004.No. Vol.23.2003.No. Vol.22.2002.No.1.2.3 Vol.21.2001.No. Vol.20.2000.No. Vol.19.1999.No. Vol.18.1998.No. Vol.17.1997.No. Vol.16.1996.No. Vol.15.1995.No. Vol.14.1994.No. |
Datensatznummer |
Geograf. Schlagwort |
Teil(e) |
- 21.4 | 2001: The Alps in Europe and the Southern Alps in New Zealand
- 19.4 | 1999: Poverty, rural Livelihoods, and land Husbandry in hillside Environments: Proceedings of a Conference held at Silsoe, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom, 6-8 January 1999: Part II | Jim Ellis-Jones
- 19.3 | 1999: Poverty, rural Livelihoods, and land Husbandry in hillside Environments: Proceedings of a Conference held at Silsoe, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom, 6-8 January 1999: Part I | Jim Ellis-Jones
- 17.3 | 1997: Managing fragile Ecosystems in the Andes: Proceedings of a Conference held in Huarina-La Paz, Bolivia 2-11 April 1995 | Carlos A. Baied
- 16.3 | 1996: In memoriam Barry Chapman Bishop, 1932-1994 | W. Andrew Marcus
- 16.1 | 1996: Mountain Research and Development ; 16.1
- 15.3 | 1995: Geoecology and sustainable Development in middle Mountains and high Mountains: Proceedings of a Symposium held 13-22 August 1994 at Freiburg/Staufen-Hohe Tauern-Berchtesgaden | Jörg Stadelbauer
- 14.4 | 1994: Mountain Hazard Geomorphology: Proceedings of a Symposium, held 28 August - 2 September 1989 in Salzburg and the Austrian Alps, as Part of the Programme of the Second International Conference on Geomorphology, Frankfurt, Germany | Helmut Heuberger
- 10.4 | 1990: Mountain Research and Development ; 10.4
- 7.4 | 1987: Mountain Research and Development ; 7.4
- 4.4 | 1984: Mountain Research and Development ; 4.4
- 3.3 | 1983: Mountain Research and Development ; 3.3