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Signatur |
Titel |
Publication Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Permian Basin Section |
Körperschaft |
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists / Permian Basin Section |
Erscheinungsort |
Midland |
Erscheinungsjahr |
1962 ff
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Bestand |
Jg.1962 ff |
Datensatznummer |
Geograf. Schlagwort |
Teil(e) |
- 77-16 | 1977: Upper Guadalupian Facies Permian Reef Complex Guadalupe Mountains New Mexico and West Texas
- 75-65 | 1975: Permian Exploration, Boundaries, and Stratigraphy: Symposium and field Trip Midland and El Paso, Texas October 30 -31, November 1, 1975
- 74.64 | 1974: Lower Cretaceous Shelf, Platform, Reef and Basinal Deposits Southwest texas and Northern Coahuila | Everett R. Sharp
- 72-60 | 1967: Cyclic Sedimentation in the Permian Basin: Symposium presented Oct.19 & 20, 1967, Midland, Texas | Jack G. Elam
- 72-14 | 1972: Capitan Reef, New Mexico and Texas: Facts and Questions to aid Interpretation and Group Discussion | Robert J. Dunham
- 71-13 | 1971: Robledo Mountains, New Mexico, Franklin Mountains, Texas | Jerry F. Sides
- 68-11 | 1968: Guadalupian Facies, Apache Mountains Area, West Texas | Burr A. Silver
- 67-8 | 1967: Comanchean (Lower Cretaceous) Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Texas | Leo Hendricks
- 62.48 | 1962: Permian of the Central Guadalune Mountains Eddy County, New Mexico | Robert P. Parke
- 62.7 | 1962: Leonardian Facies of the Sierra Diablo Region West Texas | Howard A. Kepple