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Freiberg Online Geoscience (FOG)
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
1998 - 2008, 2015 ff
Vol.39.2015 ff
Vol.1.1998 - Vol.18.2008
Digitales Dokument
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Freiberg Online Geology (FOG)
Fortgeführt als
Freiberg Online Geology (FOG)
61 | 2021: Designing and Piloting a household filter for the peri-urban population of Douala (Cameroon) | Raoul Tepong Tsinde
60 | 2021: Geological and mineralogical investigation of hydrothermal fluid discharge features at the sea bottom of Panarea, Italy | Richard H. Stanulla
59 | 2021: Investigation of neotectonic and structural characteristics of the subaerial and submarine system of Panarea Island, Italy | Judy Adamek
58 | 2021: FOG special volume: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Scientific Diving 2021 | Broder Merkel
57 | 2020: Genesis and distribution of lithium enriched pore brines at the Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia | Nadja Schmidt
56 | 2019: Identification of water origin and water-rock interaction in a complex multi-aquifer system in the Dead Sea Rift by applying chemistry and isotopes | Cornelia Maria Wilske
55 | 2019: Granulometry and microtextures on grain surfaces from subaerial and submarine deposits of recent eruptions of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat | Marie-Luise Richter
54 | 2019: Determination and Differentiation of the Hydrothermal Precipitates of Panarea, Italy | Victoria Kürzinger
53 | 2018: Characterizing the Reactivity of Commercial Steel Wool for Water Treatment | Benjamin Hildebrant
52 | 2018: Testing Granular Iron for Aqueous Fluoride Removal | Svenja Heimann
51 | 2018: FOG special volume: Water – 3 case studies | Broder Merkel
50 | 2017: Environmental Impact Assessment on Oil Shale Extraction in Central Jordan | Ahmed Abdalla Gharaibeh
49 | 2017: The concealed granite massif of Eichigt−Schönbrunn (Vogtland, Germany): Petrography, mineralogy, geochemistry and age of the Eichigt apical intrusion | Bärbel Gottesmann
48 | 2016: Chemical investigations of groundwater and submarine hydrothermal fluid exhalations at Panarea, Italy | Folke Meinardus
47 | 2016: Geochemical and isotope investigations of carbonate sinter - 2000 years of water supply management in Palestine | Raghid N. R. Sabri
46 | 2016: Workshop on “Late Paleozoic magmatism in the Erzgebirge / Krusne hory: Magma genesis, tectonics, geophysics, and mineral deposits” - Abstracts - | Christoph Breitkreuz
45 | 2016: Isotopic and geomicrobial investigation of Darzila karst cave, NE Iraq | Anna M. Seither
44 | 2016: Hydrogeochemical investigation of Darzila karst cave, NE Iraq | Karin Heiland
43 | 2015: FOG special volume: Man-made changes in land cover, water quality and quantity - three case studies | Broder Merkel
42 | 2015: Characterizing the ion-selective nature of Fe⁰-based systems using azo dyes: batch and column experiments | Meghalim Phukan
41 | 2015: FOG special volume: Groundwater supply in the Middle East - three case studies from Syria, Iraq and Palestine | Broder Merkel
40 | 2015: Innovative methods in mine water treatment, geothermal energy utilization and in-situ leaching: Proceedings of the Mine Water Symposium 2015, Freiberg, Germany | Broder Merkel
39 | 2015: FOG special volume: Regional Hydrogeology in Asia and the Middle East | Broder Merkel
18 | 2008: Column Experiments Simulating Various Scenarious for Arsenic Mobilisation in Bangladesh | Heidi Lißner
17 | 2006: Use of Stable and Radioactive Isotopes and Gaseous Tracers for Estimating Groundwater Recharge, Time of Residence, Mixing of the Different Types of Groundwater and Origin in the Silao Romita Aquifer, Guanajuato, Central Mexico | Axel Horst
16 | 2006: Gas Geochemistry and Isotopic Signatures in the deep Thermal waters in Jordan | Nadir Eraifej
15 | 2006: Mercury distribution between particulate and dissolve states in wetlands in California, USA | Elke Süß
14 | 2005: Geo-ecology of the Lake Urema/Central Mozambique | Beate Böhme
13 | 2005: Hydrogeological and Hydrochemical Investigations in West Nymph Creek Thermal Area, Yellowstone National Park, USA | Baas Brimer
12 | 2005: Integration of Water Resources of the Upper Aquifer in Amman-Zarqa Basin Based on Mathematical Modeling and GIS, Jordan | Jihad Al Mahamid
10 | 2003: Groundwater Modeling Taking Into Account Probabilistic Uncertainties | Wahyu Hardyanto
9 | 2003: A hydrogeological, hydrochemical and environmental study in Wadi Al Arroub drainage basin, south west Bank, Palestine | Ziad Qannam
8 | 2002: Sorption von Metallen und Halbmetallen an Sedimenten im bergbaulich beeinflussten Feuchtgebiet Lengenfeld/Vogtland | Manja Seidel
7 | 2003: Integrierte Datenauswertung Hydrogeologie | Broder J. Merkel
6 | 2001: Geostatistics without Stationarity Assumptions within Geographical Information Systems | Alexander Brenning
5 | 2001: Groundwater study for the Wadi Zerqa catchment area | Stefan Martens
4 | 2001: Dictionary Applied Geology English - French - German - Spanish | B. Merkel
3 | 2000: Hydrogeological and hydrochemical investigations in the Rioverde basin, Mexico | Britta Planer-Friedrich
2 | 1999: Sensitivity Analysis and Simulation Uncertainties in Predictive Geochemical Modelling: A Case Study | Christian Ekberg
1 | 1998: Aquatic Chemistry of Uranium: A Review Focusing on Aspects of Environmental Chemistry | Günther Meinrath