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Signatur |
7740,40-Per.76 7741,40-Per.76
Titel |
Upper Triassic Subdivisions, Zonations and Events: Meeting of the late IGCP 467 and STS, September 28th - October 2nd 2008, Bad Goisern (Upper Austria): Abstracts and Excursion-Guide |
VerfasserIn |
Leopold Krystyn (Ed.), Gerhard W. Mandl (Ed.) |
Konferenz |
Meeting of the late IGCP 467 and STS (2008 : Bad Goisern)
Erscheinungsort |
Wien |
Verlag |
Geologische Bundesanstalt
Erscheinungsjahr |
Seiten |
116 S.
Illustrationen |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Erschienen |
In: Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt ; Nr. 76 (2008-09) |
Anmerkungen |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
BR0076_001_A.pdf |
Schlagwörter |
Aufsatzsammlung, Geologie, Regionale Geologie, Stratigraphie, Biostratigraphie, Fossilien, Cephalopoda, Ammonoidea, Ostracoda, Bivalvia, Brachiopoda, Foraminifera, Obertrias, Trias, Mesozoikum, Nördliche Kalkalpen, Exkursion (Geologie), Hallstätter-Fazies, Lithostratigraphie, Exkursionspunkte |
Geograf. Schlagwort |
Österreich, Oberösterreich, Gmunden (Bezirk), Bad Goisern (Kongreß), Bad Goisern am Hallstättersee, Hallstatt, Steinbergkogel, Sommeraukogel, Dachsteingebiet, International, Italien, Russland |
Blattnummer |
96 [Bad Ischl] |
Blattnummer (UTM) |
3217 [Hallstatt] |
7740,40-Per.76 |
Einzelwerk |
Neulinggasse_Lesesaal H.B.980 |
Verfügbar |
7741,40-Per.76 |
Einzelwerk |
Neulinggasse_Magazin |
Verfügbar |
Alte Bücher (älter als 1918), Archivstücke und Karten werden nicht außer Haus entlehnt. |
Teil von |
Teil(e) |
- Integrated stratigraphy of the Norian GSSP candidate Pizzo Mondello section (Sicani Mountains, Sicily) | Marco Balini
- Stratigraphic significance of the ammonoid family Arcestidae around the Norian/Rhaetian boundary | Ernst Cwik
- The Norian/Rhaetian boundary in the Lagonegro Basin, Southern Apennines, Italy | Nicola Giordano
- Excursion 2: Characteristic features of the Lofer cyclicity on the Dachstein Plateau (Austria) | János Haas
- Foraminifera and Ostracoda from the Northern Calcareous Alps and the end-Triassic biotic crisis | Axel v. Hillebrandt
- Upper Triassic conodonts from Northeastern Russia: paleobiogeography, evolutional stages, biostratigraphy | Tatiana V. Klets
- Updated correlation of the Germanic Triassic with the Tethyan scale and assigned numeric ages | Heinz W. Kozur
- An ammonoid-calibrated Tethyan conodont time scale of the late Upper Triassic | Leopold Krystyn
- Excursion 1: The Hallstatt pelagics - Norian and Rhaetian Fossillagerstaetten of Hallstatt | Leopold Krystyn
- An itegrated palaeontological, geochemical & palynological study of the Rhaetian Zlambach marls in the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria) | Leopold Krystyn
- How many Tethyan Triassic oceans? | Leopold Krystyn
- Carnian/Norian halobiids from Pizzo Mondello succession (Sicani Mountains, Sicily) | Marco Levera
- A brief history of geological research of the Dachstein-Hallstatt-Salzkammergut Region | Harald Lobitzer
- Excursion 3: The Dachstein-reef of the Gosaukamm - An Upper Triassic carbonate platform margin | Gerhard W. Mandl
- Taxonomy and stratigraphy of the Upper Triassic heteromorphic ammonoids: Preliminary results from Austria | Martin Maslo
- Taxonomy and Phyllomorphogenesis of the Carnian/Norian conodonts from Pizzo Mondello Section (Sicani Mountains, Sicily) | Michele Mazza
- Rhaetian Bivalves and the Norian/Rhaetian Boundary | Christopher A. McRoberts
- Revised U-Pb ages of the Triassic-Jurassic boundary and the earliest Jurassic and their implications | József Pálfy
- Building an Upper Triassic Carbon Isotope Reference Curve | Sylvain Richoz
- Conodont biostratigraphy of the late Triassic in the western Bergamasc Alps (Italy) | Manuel Rigo
- Early Norian Scleractinian Corals of the Dachstein Limestone of Feisterscharte, Dachstein Plateau (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria) | Ewa Roniewicz
- Review of the Upper Triassic brachiopods in the Northern Calcareous Alps | Milos Siblik
- Late Middle to Early Late Triassic Radiolarian Faunas from the Izmir-Ankara Suture Belt in Western Turkey: Remarks on the evolution of the Neotethyan Izmir-Ankara Ocean | Ugur Kagan Tekin