Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Wale', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 74
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P.S.2565,80.1991 Steine von Welt: Der Messekatalog: Smaragde, Wale, Systematik: Offizieller Katalog der 28. Mineralientage München 1. - 3. November 1991 Glas, Maximilian In: Mineralientage München
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P.S.642,40.191 Ambulocetus natans, an Eocene cetacean (Mammalia) from Pakistan Thewissen, J. G. M.; Madar, S. I.; Hussain, S. T. In: Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg (CFS)
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P.S.642,40.88 Bibliographie über Wal-Bibliographien: CETACEA Bekierz, Franz W. In: Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg (CFS)
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P.S.694,40.34 Form, function, and anatomy of Dorudon Atrox (Mammalia, Cetacea): an Archaeocete from the middle to late eocene of Egypt Uhen, Mark D. In: Papers on Paleontology
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P.S.2024,80.31.13 Stromerius nidensis, new Archaeocete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the upper Eocene Qasr el-Sagha Formation, Fayum, Egypt Gingerich, Philip D. In: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology
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P.S.2024,80.31.9 Makaracetus bidens, a new protocetid Archaeocete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the early middle Eocene of Balochistan (Pakistan) Gingerich, Philip D.; Zalmout, Iyad S.; Ul-Haq, Munir; Bhatti, M. Akram In: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology
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P.S.2024,80.30.11 Eocene stratigraphy and archaeocete whales (Mammalia, Cetacea) of Drug Lahar in the eastern Sulaiman Range, Balochistan (Pakistan) Gingerich, Philip D.; Ul-Haq, Munir; Khan, Intizar Hussain; Zalmout, Iyad S. In: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology
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39060,80-Per.77 Okostje brazdastega kita v Prirodoslovnem muzeju Slovenije Jernejc Kodric, Mojca; Tome, Stasa; Krystufek, Boris In: Scopolia
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14342,40-Per.17.17 Metasqualodon harwoodi (Sanger, 1881) - a redescription Pledge, Neville S.; Rothausen, Karlheinz In: Records of the South Australian Museum
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Cetacea aus dem Miozän der Fundstelle Bruckneudorf (Niederösterreich) Walentich, Sabrina |
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51703,80 La "Balena" di Rastelli Mazzocchi, Gian Carlo; Fondazione di Piacenza e Vigevano |
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51706,80.1 Contributions to the paleontology of some Tethyan Cetacea and Sirenia (Mammalia) Pilleri, G.; Brain Anatomy Institute <Bern> |
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51706,80.2 Contributions to the paleontology of some Tethyan Cetacea and Sirenia (Mammalia) II Pilleri, G.; Brain Anatomy Institute <Bern> |
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14552,40 The Cetacea of the Italian Pliocene: with a descriptive catalogue of the specimens in the Florence Museum of Paleontology Pilleri, G. |
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P.S.272,40.3.2 Les Odontocetes du Bolderien (Miocene superieur) d'Anvers Abel, Othenio In: Memoires du Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique
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P.S.2024,80.32.10 New partial skeleton and relative brain size in the late Eocene archaeocete Zygorhiza kochii (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Pachuta Marl of Alabama, with a note on contemporaneous pontogeneus Brachyspondylus Gingerich, Philip D. In: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology
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P.S.1739,80.88.1 Il Centro Studi Cetacei: dieci anni di attivita 1986 - 1995 Borri, Marco; Cagnolaro, Luigi; Podesta, Michaela; Renieri, Tommaso In: Natura
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P.S.2024,80.25.11 Pakicetus inachus, a new Archaeocete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the early-middle Eocene Kuldana Formation of Kohat (Pakistan) Gingerich, Philip D.; Russell, Donald E. In: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology
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P.S.2024,80.28.1 Dentition of early Eocene Pakicetus (Mammalia, Cetacea) Gingerich, Philip D.; Russell, Donald E. In: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology
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P.S.2024,80.28.16 Partial skeleton of Indocetus ramani (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the lower middle Eocene Domanda Shale in the Sulaiman Range of Punjab (Pakistan) Gingerich, Philip D.; Raza, S. Mahmood; Arif, Muhammad; Anwar, Mohammad; Zhou, Xiaoyuan In: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Wale', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 74