Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Subsidenzanalyse', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 21
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Quantification of tectonic movement in the Vienna Basin Hölzel, Monika |
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Integrated basin analysis of the Vienna Basin, central Europe Young Lee, Eun |
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P.S.784,80.103 Subsidence history of the Gunsan Basin (Cretaceous-Cenozoic) in the Yellow Sea, offshore Korea Lee, Eun Young In: Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences ; 103.1
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P.S.784,80.101 Regional subsidence analysis in the Vienna Basin (Austria) Hölzel, Monika; Wagreich, Michael; Faber, Robert; Strauss, Philipp In: Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences ; 101
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P.S.238,40.56.1 Subsidence Analysis of Upper Cretaceous Deposits of the Transdanubian Central Range (Hungary) Wagreich, Michael; Siegl-Farkas, Agnes In: Geologie ohne Grenzen: Festschrift 150 Jahre Geologische Bundesanstalt: Teil I
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P.S.1224,40.45 A new software rool for statistical error quantification of subsidence calculations Hölzel, Monika; Faber, Robert; Wagreich, Michael In: SEDIMENT 2006: 21th Meeting of Sedimentologists, 4th Meeting of SEPM Central European Section: June 6-11, 2006 Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany: Abstracts and Field Trips
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P.S.429,40.41 Basin evolution of several sub-basins of the Pannonian Basin System - constraints from subsidence analyses and basin modelling Lankreijer, Anco C. In: Dynamics of the Pannonian-Carpathian-Dinaride System: PANCARDI Workshop 1996
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P.S.429,40.41 Subsidence analysis of reconstructed profiles of the Pienniny Klippen Belt Basin Poprawa, Pawel; Krobicki, Michal In: Dynamics of the Pannonian-Carpathian-Dinaride System: PANCARDI Workshop 1996
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P.S.429,40.41 The Neogene Styrian Basin: An overview Sachsenhofer, Reinhard F. In: Dynamics of the Pannonian-Carpathian-Dinaride System: PANCARDI Workshop 1996
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31090,80-Per.16.F.1 Late orogenic rebound and oblique Alpine convergence: new constraints from subsidence analysis of the Austrian Molasse basin Genser, Johann; Cloetingh, S.; Neubauer, Franz In: Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association XVI Congress, August 30th to September 2nd, 1998 Vienna: Field Trip Pre1: Transsect through the Central Eastern Alps 24 August - 29 August 1998
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31090,80-Per.16.A Late Orogenic Rebound and Oblique Alpine Convergence: Constraints from Subsidence Analysis of the Austrian Molasse Basin Genser, Johann; Cloetingh, Sierd; Neubauer, Franz In: Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association XVI Congress, August 30th to September 2nd, 1998 Vienna: Abstracts
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10021,40.1 Subsidence Evolution of a Transpressional Foreland Basin: the Austrian Molasse Becken Genser, Johann In: 1997 AAPG International Conference & Exhibition September 7-10, 1997, Austria Center Vienna: Official Program
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10021,40.1 Basin evolution in the Vienna Basin compared to surrounding basins: inferences from quantitative basin modelling and subsidence analysis Lankreijer, Anco; Decker, Kurt; Cloetingh, Sierd In: 1997 AAPG International Conference & Exhibition September 7-10, 1997, Austria Center Vienna: Official Program
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9187,40-Per.5 Basin analysis of the Gosau Group of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Turonian-Eocene, Eastern Alps) Faupl, Peter; Wagreich, Michael In: Oil and Gas in Alpidic Thrustbelts and Basins of Central and Eastern Europe
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P.S.869,40.Suppl.4.2/3 Subsidence history of the Gosau Group: why a model of late cretaceous simple extenion does not work in the Northern Calcareous Alps Wagreich, Michael In: ALCAPA: Geological evolution of the internal Eastern Alps, Carpathians and of the Pannonian basin: Graz, Austria, 1-3 July, 1992
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P.S.15,80.19 Les Theories nouvelles de la Formation des Alpes et l'influence tectonique des affaissements mediterraneens Van de Wiele, C. In: Memoires de la Societe Belge de Geologie de Paleontologie et d'Hydrologie ; 19
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P.S.1463,80.62.3 Ediacaran-Paleozoic subsidence history of the Volyn-Podillya-Moldavia Basin (W and SW Ukraine, Moldova, NE Romania) Poprawa, Pawel; Radkovets, Natalia; Rauball, Johannes In: Geological Quarterly ; 62.3
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15819,40 Late orogenic rebound and oblique Alpine convergence: new constraints from subsidence analysis of the Austrian Molasse basin Genser, Johann; Cloetingh, Sierd A. P. L.; Neubauer, Franz In: When Continents Collide: a Field Workshop on Structure and Tectonic Evolution of the Alps, the Classical Collisional Mountain Belt: Alpine collision zone: Field Guide, July 15 - 25, 2014
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15823,40 Late orogenic rebound and oblique Alpine convergence: new constraints from subsidence analysis of the Austrian Molasse basin Genser, Johann; Cloetingh, Sierd A. P. L.; Neubauer, Franz In: OLF Norway: Exploration Managers Meeting: Salzburg/Austria, 19. - 22. September 2009; Transect through northern Eastern Alps: Field Guide: September 20, 2009
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P.S.873,40.33.4 Comment on Strauss et al., 2020: Subsidence analysis of salt tectonics-driven minibasins (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria) Schollnberger, Wolfgang E. In: Basin Research ; 33.5-6
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Subsidenzanalyse', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 21