Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Sedimentkern', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 10
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P.S.1327,40.18 Reading the Soil Archives: Unraveling the Geoecological Code of Palaeosols and Sediment Cores Van Mourik, Jan M.; van der Meer, Jaap J. M. In: Developments in Quaternary Sciences
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SE 12513-A Calibration of lacustrine paleoseismological records in the Eastern Alps with historical earthquake data: potential and challenges Daxer, Christoph; Hammerl, Christa; de Puy Papi-Isaba, Maria; Strasser, Michael; Moernaut, Jasper In: INQUA 2019 Dublin Ireland, 25th-31st July, 2019: Abstract Book for INQUA 2019
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YD age for the unique Stappitz lake archive (A): Age dating of sediment from a former sparsely vegetated environment Grischott, Reto; Kober, Florian; Reitner, Jürgen; Hajdas, I.; Ivy-Ochs, Susan; Willett, Sean In: Annual Report 2014 Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics
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SE 14345-A Paleoclimatology, paleomagnetism and tephrochronology of Late Pleistocene sedimentary cores, Gulf of Mexico Kennett, J. P.; Huddlestun, P.; Clark, H. C. In: Les Methodes quantitatives d'etude des variations du climat au cours du pleistocene Gif-sur-Yvette, 5-9 juin 1973
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SE 14553-A From deglaciation to postglacial filling: post-LGM evolution of an isolated glacier system at the northern fringe of the Eastern Alps (Austria) Bernsteiner, Heidi; Götz, Joachim; Salcher, Bernhard C.; Lang, Andreas In: Geografiska Annaler: Series A: Physical Geography ; 103.4
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A 4000-year debris flow record based on amphibious investigations of fan delta activity in Plansee (Austria, Eastern Alps) Kiefer, Carolin; Oswald, Patrick; Moernaut, Jasper; Fabbri, Stefano Claudio; Mayr, Christoph; Strasser, Michael; Krautblatter, Michael In: Earth Surface Dynamics ; 9
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10163,40-Per.27 Documentation of the native shallow water benthic foraminiferal assemblage in a sediment core from the coastal region of Northern Israel Nagy, Matthias; Enge, Annekatrin J.; Heinz, Petra; Albano, Paolo G. In: International Symposium on Foraminifera FORAMS 2023; Perugia, Italy, June 26 - June 30, 2023: Abstracts with Program
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20th century increase in body size of a hypoxia-tolerant bivalve documented by sediment cores from the northern Adriatic Sea (Gulf of Trieste) Fuksi, Tomáš; Tomasovych, Adam; Gallmetzer, Ivo; Haselmair, Alexandra; Zuschin, Martin In: Marine Pollution Bulletin ; 135
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Molluscan benthic communities at Brijuni Islands (northern Adriatic Sea) shaped by Holocene sea-level rise and recent human eutrophication and pollution Schnedl, Sara-Maria; Haselmair, Alexandra; Gallmetzer, Ivo; Mautner, Anna-Katharina; Tomasovych, Adam; Zuschin, Martin In: The Holocene ; 28.11
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P.S.53,80.115.1 Postglacial evolution of Lake Constance: sedimentological and geochemical evidence from a deep-basin sediment core Schaller, Sebastian; Böttcher, Michael L.; Buechi, Marius W.; Epp, Laura S.; Fabbri, Stefano C.; Gribenski, Natacha; Harms, Ulrich; Krastel, Sebastian; Liebezeit, Alina; Lindhorst, Katja; Marxen, Hanna; Raschke, Ulli; Schleheck, David; Schmiedinger, Iris; Schwalb, Antje; Vogel, Hendrik; Wessels, Martin; Anselmetti, Flavio S. In: Swiss Journal of Geosciences ; 115.1
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Sedimentkern', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 10