Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Plattformkarbonat', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 52
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35630,80-Per.C.304 Cretaceous resources, events and rhythms: Background and plans for research: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Cretaceous Resources, Events and Rhythms held in Digne, France, September 16-22, 1988 Ginsburg, Robert N.; Beaudoin, Bernard In: NATO Advanced Science Institute Series: Series C - Mathematical and Physical Sciences
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35154,80-Per.255 Cool-Water Carbonates: Depositional Systems and Palaeoenvironmental Controls Pedley, Martyn; Carannante, Gabriele In: Geological Society Special Publication
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35606,80-Per.44 Controls on carbonate platform and basin development: based on a symposium Crevello, Paul D.; Wilson, James L.; Sarg, J. Frederick; Read, J. Fred In: SEPM Special Publication
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P.S.1734,80.Sb.39 Das Staßfurt-Karbonat (Ca2) in Süd-Oldenburf - Fazies und Diagenese eines Sediments am Nordhang der Hunte-Schwelle Huttel, Peter In: Göttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie und Paläontologie: Sonderband
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A 11121-R Geologie und Tektonik im Salza-Tal (Steiermark): Kinematische Analyse der westlichen Göller- und Ötscher-Decke (Nördliche Kalkalpen) Nemes, Franz |
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A 09610-R Die Geologie der Lechtaldecke zwischen Gramais und oberem Gries-Tal: Kurzkartierung Horstmann, Bernd |
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A 07540-R Tektonisk imbrikering af Mesozoiske platformskarbonater og flyschsedimenter i de Nordlige Kalkalper Grünau im Almtal, Ostrig Zinck-Jorgensen, Kim |
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8435,40.7 Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate Platforms and Dolomization: Guidebook Excursion F: Cyclostratigraphy and dolomitization of the Middle Triassic Latemar buildup, the Dolomites, northern Italy Hardie, Lawrence A.; Wilson, Edith Newton; Goldhammer, Robert K. |
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8435,40.6 Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate Platforms and Dolomization: Guidebook Excursion D: Picco di Vallandro (Dürrenstein) a platform-basin transition in outcrop and seismic model Schlager, Wolfgang; Biddle, Kevin T.; Stafleu, Jan |
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8435,40.5 Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate Platforms and Dolomization: Guidebook Excursion C: The Rosengarten: A platform-to-basin carbonate section (Middle Triassic, Dolomites, Italy) Bosellini, Alfonso; Stefani, Marco |
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8435,40.4 Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate Platforms and Dolomization: Guidebook Excursion B: The Sella Platform (Upper Triassic, Dolomites, Italy) Bosellini, Alfonso; Neri, Claudio |
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13252,40 Dolomites: 7th International Triassic Field Workshop Pan-European Correlation of the Triassic: Field Trip to the World Heritage Site of the Tethyan Triassic September 5-10, 2010 Dolomites, Southern Alps, Italy Gianolla, Piero; Avanzini, Marco; Breda, Anna; Kustatscher, Evelyn; Preto, Nereo; Roghi, Guido; Furin, Stefano; Massari, Francesco; Picotti, Vincenzo; Stefani, Marco |
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12746,40 Zur Pb-Zn Vererzung und spätdiagenetischen Entwicklung des Karawanken-Nordstammes (Österreich/Slowenien) Kuhlemann, Joachim |
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16089,40 Interim Colloquium R.C.M.N.S., Marseille, 3-6 mai 1994: Recifs et plates-formes carbonatees miocenes de Mediterranee: Resumes Saint Martin, J. P.; Cornee, J. J. |
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P.S.485,40.173 Cambrian shelf stratigraphy of North Greenland Ineson, Jon R.; Peel, John S. In: Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin
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G 1200-II Shelf to basin transect of Lower Devonian carbonates of the Carnic Alps, Austria Pohler, Susanne M. L.; Brett, Carlton E.; Schönlaub, Hans Peter; Geologische Bundesanstalt |
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P.S.1039,40.2003.3 Fazies, Stratigraphie und Sedimentologie der Plassen-Formation (Kimmeridgium) und deren Unterlagerung im Bereich des Krahstein (Nördliche Kalkalpen, Österreich) Gawlick, Hans-Jürgen; Schlagintweit, Felix; Ebli, Oskar; Suzuki, Hasisha In: Terra Nostra ; 2003.3
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P.S.1857,80.1989.2 Zur Unterscheidung von Barmsteinkalk und Tressensteinkalk (Oberjura, Nördliche Kalkalpen) Herrmann, Ingomar In: Sediment '89: 4. Treffen deutschsprachiger Sedimentologen, Innsbruck 1989
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7741,40-Per.85 Sea-level changes across the PETM in the Pyrenees, part 2: evidence from a platform interior setting Pujalte, Victoriano; Robador, Alejandro; Payros, Aitor; Samso, Josep Maria In: Climate and Biota of the Early Paleogene CBEP 2011: 5 - 8 June 2011 Salzburg, Austria: Conference Program and Abstracts
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P.S.839,80.78 Compositional variations in calciturbidites due to sealevel fluctuations, late quaternary, Bahamas Haak, Alfred; Schlager, Wolfgang In: Geologische Rundschau ; 78
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Plattformkarbonat', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 52