Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Peridotit', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 187
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P.S.120,80.1546 Geological and geophysical Studies of chromite deposit sits in the Josephine Peridotite, northwestern California and southwestern Oregon Evans, James G. In: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Bulletin
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P.S.263,40.1170.A Geology of an Alpine-type peridotite in the Mount Sorenson Area, East-Central Alaskaer Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming Keith, Terry E. C.; Foster, Helen L. In: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper
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P.S.1069,80.394 Caribbean-South American plate interactions, Venezuela Ave Lallemant, Hans G.; Sisson, Virginia B. In: Geological Society of America Special Paper
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P.S.545,40.300 Microstructural evolution and seismic anisotropy of upper mantle rocks in rift zones Palasse, Laurie Nolwenn In: Geologica Ultraiectina
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P.S.545,40.266 Origin and evolution of deep upper mantle rocks from Western Norway Spengler, Dirk In: Geologica Ultraiectina
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P.S.2156,80.262 Volatiles and Volatile-Bearing Melts in the Earth's Interior Dasgupta, Rajdeep; Dixon, Jacqueline E. In: Chemical Geology
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P.S.2156,80.258 Applications of Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes in High-Temperature Geochemistry Feineman, Maureen; Penniston-Dorland, Sarah; Poitrasson, Franck; Weyer, Stefan In: Chemical Geology
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P.S.1069,80.215 Mantle Metasomatism and Alkaline Magmatism Morris, Ellen Mullen; Pasteris, Jill Dill In: Geological Society of America Special Paper
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P.S.545,40.152 Deformation of fine-grained synthetic peridotite unter wet conditions McDonnell, Robert Denis In: Geologica Ultraiectina
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P.S.1068,80.130 Caribbean Geophysical, Tectonic, and Petrologic Studies Donnelly, Thomas W. In: Geological Society of America Memoir
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P.S.1842,80.109 Ultrahigh Pressure Metamorphism: From Earth's Interior to Mountain Buildings: in Memory of D. A. (Tony) Carswell Dobrzhinetskaya, Larissa F.; Brueckner, Hannes K.; Buick, I. S. In: Lithos
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P.S.1842,80.107 Subduction vs Intraplate Lithospheric Mantle: Agents and Processes Coltorti, M.; Gregoire, M.; Scambelluri, M.; Eby, G. N. In: Lithos
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P.S.545,40.102 Deformation Processes in Mantle Peridotites: With emphasis on the Ronda peridotite of SW Spain Van der Wal, Dirk In: Geologica Ultraiectina
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P.S.1734,80.Sb.45 Mikrostruktur- und Texturuntersuchungen an Peridotiteinschlüssen in Basalten der Hessischen Senke Wedel, Angelika In: Göttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie und Paläontologie: Sonderband
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P.S.2134,80.26 Magmengenetische Aspekte der Lithosphärenentwicklung: Geochemisch-petrologische Untersuchungen basaltoider variszischer Gesteinsformationen sowie mafischer und ultramafischer Xenolithe im nordöstlichen Zentraleuropa Kramer, Wolfgang In: Schriftenreihe für geologische Wissenschaften
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39865,80-Per.25 Oxide Minerals: Petrologic and Magnetic Significance Lindsley, Donald H. In: Reviews in Mineralogy
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48528,80-Per.24 Das geochemische Verhalten der Platingruppenelemente bei der Entstehung und Differenzierung der Magmen der Kerguelen-Flutbasaltprovinz (Indischer Ozean) Scheibner, Birgit In: Karlsruher Mineralogische und Geochemische Hefte
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P.S.2292,80.21 25 years of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism Schertl, Hans-Peter; Gilotti, Jane A.; Cuthbert, Simon J.; Perchuk, Alexei L. In: European Journal of Mineralogy
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48225,80-Per.17.4 IGCP 516 Geological Anatomy of East and South Asia: Paleogeography and paleoenvironment in eastern Tethys Hisada, Ken-Ichiro; Yumul, Graciano P. In: Island Arc
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47976,80-Per.C.12 Magnetic anisotropy of magmatic rocks Kadzialko-Hofmokl, Magdalena In: Publications of the Institute of Geophysics: C - Geomagnetism
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Peridotit', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 187