Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Palynofazies', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 37
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P.S.578,40.110 La diatomite miocene de la montagne d'Andance carriere de Saint-Bauzile (Ardeche, France): Etude palynologique, Ecostratigraphie, Paleoclimatologie Iskandar, Denise In: Documents des Laboratoires de Geologie Lyon
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P.S.578,40.105 Les organoclastes des formations lithologicques du malm dans le jura meridional. Systematique, biostratigraphie et elements d'interpretation paleoecologique Courtinat, Bernard In: Documents des Laboratoires de Geologie Lyon
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P.S.922,80.45 Proceedings International Symposium on Organic Petrology, Zeist - The Netherlands, January 7-9, 1990 Fermont, Willem J. J.; Weegink, Jan Willem In: Mededelingen Rijks Geologische Dienst
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10708,40 The Pleistocene Environment of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal Himalaya Paudayal, Khum Narayan |
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10507,40 Die frühmiozänen Sedimente der Braunkohletagebaue Oberdorf und Zangtal - eine environmentananalytische Untersuchung (N Voitsberg, Steiermark, Österreich) Haas, Margit |
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P.S.56,40.B.287.2 Wetland vegetation types in the Late Miocene Alpine Molasse Basin in Upper Austria Meller, Barbara In: Palaeontographica: Abteilung B - Palaeophytologie
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P.S.1479,80.135 Geology of the Pieniny Klippen Belt and the Tatra Mts., Carpathians: Part XXI Birkenmajer, Krzysztof In: Studia Geologica Polonica
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P.S.1219,80.62 Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) ore-bearing clays at Gnaszyn, Krakow-Silesia Homocline, Poland Gedl, Przemyslaw; Kaim, Andrzej In: Acta geologica Polonica
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P.S.1224,40.87 67th Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology: ICCP Program & Abstract Book: German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) September 5 - 11, 2015, Potsdam, Germany Kus, Jolanta; David, Petra; Kalaitzidis, Stavros; Schulz, Hans-Martin; Sachsenhofer, Reinhard F. In: Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (SDGG)
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P.S.1127,80.462 Wyjatkowosc geologiczno-geomorfologiczna Ponidzia na tle innych jednostek polnocnej czesci zapadliska przedkarpackiego Fijalkowskiej-Mader, Anny In: Biuletyn Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
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P.S.888,80.85.4 Bone-bearing Upper Triassic of the Upper-Silesia, southern Poland: integrated stratigraphy, facies and events Racki, Grzegorz; Szulc, Joachim In: Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
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A 19320-R Palaeoenvironmental changes of the Triassic-Jurassic boundary in the Restental section, Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria): (Palynology, Sedimentology and Mineralogy) Mazumder, Mohamed Al Amin |
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15828,40 Dinoflagellates and palynofacies around the cretaceous/paleogene boundary in the Eastern Alps Mohamed, Omar Abdelazizi Othman |
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15953,40 Stratigraphic Palynology of the Palaeozoic of Saudi Arabia: Results of a Joint Study between Saudi Arabian Oil Compnay (Saudi Aramco) and the Commission Internationale de Microflore du Paleozoique (CIMP) Al-Hajri, Sa'id; Owens, Bernard In: GeoArabia Special publication
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53719,80-Per.146 Microfosseis devonianos do Rio Tapajos, Para: II - Chitinozoa Costa van Boekel, Norma Maria da In: Notas preliminares e estudos
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16281,40 Boundaries and palynology: Symposium organised by CIMP and the Palynology School, Department of Geology, University of Sheffield, 16th-19th April, 1986: Handbook
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P.S.129,80.144 Palynologische Untersuchungen der Kössener Schichten (Rhät, Alpine Obertrias) Holstein, Björn In: Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt ; 144.3/4
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P.S.705,40.A.106 Paläontologische Untersuchungen in den Leimern-Schichten aus dem Klein Walsertal (Österreich), unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Mikroflora, Foraminiferen und Ichnofauna Fechner, Glenn G.; Salomon, Dorte In: 25 Jahre Paläontologie FU Berlin
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7741,40-Per.85 Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum consequences on terrestrial environments: Insights from the evolution of organic matter in the Vasterival section (Dieppe-Hampshire Basin, France) Garel, Sylvain; Schnyder, Johann; Jacob, Jeremy; Boussafir, Mohammed; Dupuis, Christian; Storme, Jean-Yves; Yans, Johan; Iakovleva, Alina I.; Roche, Emile; Le Milbeau, Claude; Quesnel, Florence In: Climate and Biota of the Early Paleogene CBEP 2011: 5 - 8 June 2011 Salzburg, Austria: Conference Program and Abstracts
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7741,40-Per.85 A model for neritic and bathyal dinoflagellates around the K/Pg boundary and their paleoenvironmental indicatios in the Eastern Alps Mohamed, Omar; Piller, Werner E. In: Climate and Biota of the Early Paleogene CBEP 2011: 5 - 8 June 2011 Salzburg, Austria: Conference Program and Abstracts
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Palynofazies', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 37