Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Osteuropäische Tafel', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 12
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P.S.444,40.56 Silurian Graptolite faunas in the East European Platform: stratigraphy and evolution Urbanek, Adam; Teller, Lech In: Palaeontologia polonica
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42064,80 Sar'jazno-nadvigovaja tektonika Volgo-Ural'skoj oblasti Kazanceva, T. T.; Akademija Nauk SSSR / Uralskoe Otdelenie / Institut Geologii |
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42020,80 Stroenie kory i verchnej mantii na severo-zapade vostocno-evropejskoj platformy Kovtun, A. A.; Leningradskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet |
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P.S.1069,80.510 East European Craton: Early Precambrian History and 3D Models of Deep Crustal Structure Mints, Michael V.; Dokukina, Ksenia A.; Konilov, Alexander N.; Philippova, Irina B.; Zlobin, Valery L.; Babayants, Pavel S.; Belousova, Elena A.; Blokh, Yury I.; Bogina, Maria M.; Bush, William A.; Dokukin, Peter A.; Kaulina, Tatiana V.; Natapov, Lev M.; Piip, Valentina B.; Stupak, Vladimir M.; Suleimanov, Arsen K.; Trusov, Alexey A.; Van, Konstantin V.; Zamozhniaya, Nadezhda G. In: Geological Society of America Special Paper
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7741,40-Per.30 Upper Silurian Graptolite Zonation of the Polish Part of East European Platform Teller, Lech In: Field Meeting: Eastern + Southern Alps, Austria 1994, in memoriam Hermann Jaeger: Guidebook + Abstracts
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7741,40-Per.30 The Wenlock/Ludlow Boundary Based on Biostratigraphikal and Geophysikal Data of Poland Tomczykowa, E.; Tomczyk, H. In: Field Meeting: Eastern + Southern Alps, Austria 1994, in memoriam Hermann Jaeger: Guidebook + Abstracts
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P.S.839,80.107.2 The geophysical characteristic of the lower lithosphere and asthenosphere in the marginal zone of the East European Craton Grad, Marek; Puziewicz, Jacek; Majorowicz, Jacek; Chrapkiewicz, Kajetan; Lepore, Simone; Polkowski, Marcin; Wilde-Piórko, Monika In: International Journal of Earth Sciences ; 107.5-8
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K II 2298.8 Lithologic-palaeogeographical map Strassfurt-Series 1:1.500.000 International Geological Correlation Programme; Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe In: Lithologic-palaeogeographical map 1:1.500.000: International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) Project No. 86 "South-West Border of the East European Platform"
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K II 2298.2 Lithologic-palaeogeographical map Lanvirn 1:1.500.000 International Geological Correlation Programme; Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe In: Lithologic-palaeogeographical map 1:1.500.000: International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) Project No. 86 "South-West Border of the East European Platform"
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K II 332 Mapa geologiczna podloza krytalicznego platformy wschodmoeuropejskiej w Polsce Karaczun, Konstanty; Kubicki, Stanislaw; Ryka, Waclow; Instytut Geologiczny |
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K II 2298 Lithologic-palaeogeographical map 1:1.500.000: International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) Project No. 86 "South-West Border of the East European Platform" Jubitz, K.-B.; Znosko, J.; Franke, D.; Franke, D.; International Geological Correlation Programme; Zentrales Geologisches Institut Berlin; Kartographischer Dienst Potsdam; Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe |
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K M2 4803 Atlas paleogeologiczny podpermskiego paleozoiku kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego w Polsce i na obszarach sasiednich 1:2 000 000 Modlinski, Zdzislaw; Panstwowy Instytut Geologiczny; Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy |
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Osteuropäische Tafel', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 12