Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Moldanubischer Pluton', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 8
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A 16435-R Knowledge acquired by the ground Geophysical and Geological Mapping in the Moldanubian Pluton between the towns of Freistadt (Upper Austria) and Gmünd (Lower Austria) Gnojek, Ivan; Prichystal, Antonin |
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A 16364-R.3 Final Report: Ground magnetometry and ground gamma-ray spectrometry in Litschau Area - NW Lower Austria Gnojek, Ivan; Zabadal, Stanislav; Geologische Bundesanstalt |
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P.S.129,80.140 Ground Geophysical and Geological Mapping in the Central Part of the Moldanubian Pluton Gnojek, Ivan; Prichystal, Antonin In: Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt ; 140.2
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P.S.935,80.73 The Reingers Magnetic Anomaly in the Central Moldanubian Pluton (Southern Bohemia, Lower Austria) Gnojek, Ivan; Breiter, Karel In: Vestnik Ceskeho geologickeho ustavu ; 73
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P.S.935,80.73 Radioactivity patterns - constraints for the magmatic evolution of the two-mica granites in the Central Moldanubian Pluton Breiter, Karel; Gnojek, Ivan; Chlupacova, Marta In: Vestnik Ceskeho geologickeho ustavu ; 73
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P.S.935,80.71 Radioactivity of the highly fractionated Homolka granite in the Moldanubian pluton, southern Bohemia Breiter, Karel; Gnojek, Ivan In: Vestnik Ceskeho geologickeho ustavu ; 71
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P.S.872,80.LG.31 Chemistry of the Bohemian granitoids: Geotectonic and metallogenic implications Breiter, Karel; Sokol, Adolf In: Sbornik geologickych ved: loziskova geologie mineralogie ; 31
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16310,40 Magnetic fabric and emplacement of the Weinsberg Composite Pluton Hajek, Tadeas; Verner, Krystof In: 5th Bohemian Massif Symposium: Book of Abstracts: Smolenice, Slovakia, June 7-10th, 2023
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Moldanubischer Pluton', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 8