Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Mittelozeanischer Rücken', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 56
1 |
49007,80-Per.341.5 Transition ocean-continent dans les marges de rift Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn; Huchon, Philippe; Manatschal, Gianreto In: Comptes Rendus Geoscience
2 |
35154,80-Per.338 The Evolving Continents: Understanding Processes of Continental Growth Kusky, Tim; Zhai, Mingguo; Xiao, Wenjiao In: Geological Society Special Publication
3 |
35154,80-Per.197 The North Atlantic Igneous Province: Stratigraphy, Tectonic, Volcanic and Magmatic Processes Jolley, David W.; Bell, Brian R. In: Geological Society Special Publication
4 |
P.S.2263,80.178 Magma to Microbe: Modeling Hydrothermal Processes at Ocean Spreading Centers Lowell, Robert P.; Seewald, Jeffrey S.; Metaxas, Anna; Perfit, Michael R. In: Geophysical Monograph
5 |
P.S.1835,80.165 Fine Structure and Anisotropy of the Lithosphere Buchbinder, G. G. R.; Ansorge, J.; Crampin, S. In: Tectonophysics
6 |
P.S.2263,80.148 Mid-Ocean Ridges: Hydrothermal Interactions Between the Lithosphere and Oceans German, Christopher R.; Lin, Jian; Parson, Lindsay M. In: Geophysical Monograph
7 |
35154,80-Per.118 Tectonic, Magmatic, Hydrothermal and Biological Segmentation of Mid-Ocean Ridges MacLeod, C. J.; Tyler, P. A.; Walker, C. L. In: Geological Society Special Publication
8 |
P.S.1801,80.D.92 Geological Evolution and Hydrothermal Activity in the Lau and North Fiji Basins, Southwest Pacific Ocean: Results of SONNE Cruise SO-35 Stackelberg, Ulrich von; Rad, Ulrich von In: Geologisches Jahrbuch: Reihe D
9 |
P.S.2263,80.57 Evolution of mid ocean ridges Sinton, John M.; International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior In: Geophysical Monograph IUGG-vol.
10 |
P.S.1835,80.54/55 Processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges Francheteau, J. In: Tectonophysics Inter-Union Commission on Geodynamics Scientific Report
11 |
39865,80-Per.47 Noble Gases: in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry Porcelli, Donald; Ballentine, Chris J.; Wieler, Rainer In: Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry
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35154,80-Per.42 Magmatism in the Ocean Basins Saunders, A. D.; Norry, M. J. In: Geological Society Special Publication
13 |
A 09449-R Geowissenschaftliche Meeresforschung mit dem Forschungsschiff SONNE
In: Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie Pressedokumentation
14 |
49428,80 Magmatic/Hydrothermal Interactions at Fast Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges: Implications on the Dynamics of the Axial Melt Lens France, Lyderic |
15 |
48790,80 Physics and Geology Jacobs, J. A.; Russell, R. D.; Wilson, J. Tuzo |
16 |
48709,80 Igneous Petrogenesis Wilson, Marjorie |
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45638,80 Aufbau und Entstehung ozeanischer Kruste an mittelozeanischen Rücken: Eine Interpretation von Bohrlochmessungen aus DSDP/ODP Bohrungen Bartetzko, Anne |
18 |
42570,80 Oceanic Basalts Floyd, Peter A. |
19 |
12480,40 Driftende Kontinente Miller, Russell; Brumm, Walter |
20 |
12021,40 Rock quality, seismic velocity, attenuation and anisotropy Barton, Nick |
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Mittelozeanischer Rücken', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 56