Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Krustenblock', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 5
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13843,40-Per.2 Geologic Evolution of the eastern United States: Field Trip Guidebook NE-SE GSA 1991 Schultz, Art; Compton-Gooding, Ellen In: Virginia Museum of Natural History Guidebook
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14537,40 International Conference on Iberian Terranes and their Regional Correlation: IGCP Project 233: Terranes in the Circum-Atlantic Paleozoic Orogens, Oviedo, Spain, September 1-6, 1986: Program, Abstracts, List of Participants
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13845,40-Per.13.73 Terranes Frisch, Wolfgang In: Neue Erkenntnisse der Geotektonik
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14537,40 Paleozoic Terranes in the Eastern Alps Frisch, Wolfgang In: International Conference on Iberian Terranes and their Regional Correlation: IGCP Project 233: Terranes in the Circum-Atlantic Paleozoic Orogens, Oviedo, Spain, September 1-6, 1986: Program, Abstracts, List of Participants
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P.S.1064,40.23.1 Miocene to Holocene exhumation of metamorphic crustal wedges in the NW Himalaya: Evidence for tectonic extrusion coupled to fluvial erosion Vannay, Jean-Claude; Grasemann, Bernhard; Rahn, Meinert; Frank, Wolfgang; Carter, Andrew; Baudraz, Vincent; Cosca, Mike In: Tectonics ; 23
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Krustenblock', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 5