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1 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden 14457,40-Per.15
Peak pressure estimates of Koralpe-Saualpe-Pohorje Complex based on Raman Spectroscopy
Wannhoff, Iris; Pleuger, Jan; John, Timm; Zhong, Xin; Liesegang, Moritz
In: 15th Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies 12-14 September 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia: Abstract book & fieldtrip guide
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Protolith and metamorphic ages of eclogites from the Eastern Alps: The Permian to Cretaceous Wilson cycle of the Austroalpine mega-unit
Chang, Ruihong; Neubauer, Franz; Liu, Yongjiang; Genser, Johann; Yuan, Sihua; Huang, Qianwen; Guan, Qingbin
In: 100th Anniversary of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association: XXII International Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association (CBGA): Abstracts: September 7-11, 2022 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
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Hf isotopic constraints for the Austroalpine basement evolution of the Eastern Alps: review and new data
Chang, Ruihong; Neubauer, Franz; Genser, Johann; Liu, Yongjiang; Yuan, Sihua; Guan, Qingbin; Huang, Qianwen; Yu, Shengyao
In: 100th Anniversary of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association: XXII International Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association (CBGA): Abstracts: September 7-11, 2022 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
4 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden P.S.2372,80.51
Permian to Triassic protolith ages of type locality eclogites in the Eastern Alps: Implications for the opening of the Meliata back-arc basin
Chang, Ruihong; Neubauer, Franz; Liu, Yongjiang; Genser, Johann; Guan, Qingbin; Huang, Qianwen; Yuan, Sihua
In: Geology ; 51