Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Känozoikum (Jungkänozoikum)', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 25
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P.S.263,40.1256 Core KM-3, a surface-to-bedrock record of late Cenozoic sedimentation in Searles Valley, California Smith, George Irving; Barczak, Virgil J. In: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper
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P.S.263,40.1147 Chemical Correlation of some Late Cenozoic Tuffs of Northern and Central California by neutron activation analysis of glass and x-ray fluorescence analysis Sarna-Wojcicki, Andrei M.; Bowman, Harry W.; Russel, Paul C. In: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper
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P.S.659,40.108 Upper Tertiary and Quaternary depositional systems, Central Coastal Plain, Texas: Regional geology of the Coastal Aquifer and potential liquid-waste repositories Solis I., Raul Fernando In: Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations
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P.S.278,40.96 Late Cenozoic and early Quaternary Stratigraphy of the Eketahuna District (N153) Neef, Gerrit In: New Zealand Geological Survey Bulletin
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P.S.1749,80.73 Ruscinian and early Pleistocene Soricidae (Insectivora, Mammalia) from Tegelen (the Netherlands) and Hungary Reumer, Jelle W. F. In: Scripta Geologica
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P.S.21,80.70 VIIIth Congress of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy: Symposium on European Late Cenozoic Mineral Resources, Budapest, 15-22 September, 1985: Proceedings Deak, Margit In: Magyar Allami Földtani Intezet Evkönyve
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P.S.1310,80.61.3.Suppl.2 Evolution, biogeography, and systematics of Puriana: evolution and speciation in Ostracoda, III Cronin, Thomas M. In: Journal of Paleontology The Paleontological Society Memoir
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P.S.287,40.35 Evoluzione neotettonica dell'Italia nord-orientale Zanferrari, Adriano In: Memorie di scienze geologiche ; 35
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7889,40 Die Geologie der Umgebung von Sopron: II. Teil. Die Sedimentgesteine des Neogen und des Quartär Vendl, Miklos In: Erdeszeti Kiserletek
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P.S.2158,80.10 Die jungtertiäre und ältestquartäre Entwicklung von Flächen und Tälern im nördlichen Vorland der Südlichen Frankenalb Kleber, Arno In: Bayreuther geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten
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M 1436-E Late Cenozoic History of the Pacific Northwest: Interdisciplinary studies on the Clarkia Fossil Beds of Northern Idaho Smiley, Charles J.; Leviton, Alan E.; Berson, Margaret |
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7859,40 Neotectonique et tectonique active de la Cordillere Blanche et du Callejon de Huaylas (Andes nord-peruviennes) Bonnot, Didier |
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40028,80.1 VIIIth Congress of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy: Symposium on European Late Cenozoic Mineral Resources 15-22 September, 1985 Budapest: Abstracts Senes, J.; Hungarian Geological Survey |
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40028,80.2 VIIIth Congress of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy: Symposium on European Late Cenozoic Mineral Resources 15-22 September 1985, Budapest: First Circular Hungarian Geological Survey |
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40028,80.3 VIIIth Congress of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy: Symposium on European Late Cenozoic Mineral Resources 15-22 September 1985, Budapest: Second Circular Hungarian Geological Survey |
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40028,80.4 VIIIth Congress of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy: Symposium on European Late Cenozoic Mineral Resources 15-22 September 1985, Budapest: Third Circular Hungarian Geological Survey |
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40028,80.5 VIIIth Congress of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy: Symposium on European Late Cenozoic Mineral Resources 15-22 September 1985, Budapest: Field Guide - Excursion A 1 (Pre-Congress) Geodynamic Evolution of Intramontane Basins, Neogene Stratigraphy in Northern Hungary and in Budapest 10-14 September, 1985 Hungarian Geological Survey |
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40028,80.6 VIIIth Congress of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy: Symposium on European Late Cenozoic Mineral Resources 15-22 September 1985, Budapest: Field Guide - Excursion A 3 (Pre-Congress) Eastern Paratethyan Neogene Stratotypes and Key Sections in Soviet Georgia 4-14 September 1985 Hungarian Geological Survey |
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40028,80.7 VIIIth Congress of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy: Symposium on European Late Cenozoic Mineral Resources 15-22 September 1985, Budapest: Field Guide - Excursion B (Mid-Congress) Paleoenvironment at Ipolytarnoc, Paleogeographic reconstruction of the lower miocene 19 September 1985 Hungarian Geological Survey |
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40028,80.8 VIIIth Congress of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy: Symposium on European Late Cenozoic Mineral Resources 15-22 September 1985, Budapest: Field Guide - Excursion C 3 (Post-Congress) Post-Orogenic Evolution of the Pannonian, Dacian and Euxinic Basins 22 September-1 October 1985 Hungarian Geological Survey |
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Känozoikum (Jungkänozoikum)', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 25