Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Insectivora', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 56
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P.S.1749,80.57 The giant erinaceid insectivore, Deinogalerix Freudenthal, from the Upper Miocene of Gargano, Italy Butler, P. M. In: Scripta Geologica
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P.S.2024,80.24.23 Partial skull of Paleosinopa simpsoni (Mammalia, Insectivora), latest Paleocene Hoback Formation, central western Wyoming, with some general remarks on the family Pantolestidae Dorr, John A. Jr. In: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology
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A 07657-R Neue Fundstellen von Kleinsäugetieren im Jungtertiär von Österreich Daxner-Höck, Gudrun |
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P.S.1749,80.spec.iss.5 The Fossil Record of the Eurasian Neogene insectivores (Erinaceomorpha, Soricomorpha, Mammalia), Part I Hoek Ostende, Lars W. van den; Doukas, Constantin S.; Reumer, Jelle W. F. In: Scripta Geologica: Special Issue
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P.S.2024,80.31.5 Systematics and Phylogeny of late Paleocene and early Eocene Palaeoryctinae (Mammalia, Insectivora) from the Clarks Fork and Bighorn Basins, Wyoming Bloch, Jonathan I.; Secord, Ross; Gingerich, Philip D. In: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology
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P.S.2024,80.30.14 New species of Macrocranion (Mammalia, Lipotyphla) from the earliest Eocene of North America and its biogeographic implications Smith, Thierry; Bloch, Jonathan I.; Strait, Suzanne G.; Gingerich, Philip D. In: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology
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P.S.579,40.20 Stranska Skala I 1910 - 1945 Musil, Rudolf In: Anthropos
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13097,40-Per.92 Proceedings of the 9th EAVP Meeting, Heraklion 2011 Iliopoulos, George; Meyer, C.; Frey, Eberhard; Buffetaut, E.; Liston, J.; Ösi, A. In: Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments
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P.S.932,40.286 Climate and vegetation dynamics, eastern Asia Catto, Norm In: Quaternary International
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P.S.932,40.420 The Quaternary of the Urals: Global trends and Pan-European Quaternary records Borodin, Aleksandr; Markova, Evgenia; Catto, Norm In: Quaternary International
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P.S.575,40.2 Altpleistozäne Kleinsäugerfauna von Podumci in Norddalmatien Kowalski, Kazimierz In: Palaeontologia jugoslavica
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P.S.1629,80.A.1.6 Primi risultati dell' indagine paleontologica sui materiali scavati nelle grotte di S. Cassiano (Colli Berici - Vicenza) Pasa, Angelo In: Annali dell'Universita di Ferrara: Nuova Serie: Sezione IX
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P.S.352,40.C.8.3 On the Insectivora, Chiroptera, Rodentia and Primates other than Sinanthropus from Locality 1 at Choukoutien Young, Chung-Chien In: Palaeontologia Sinica: Series C
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P.S.2024,80.23.9 The insectivores of the Hagerman local fauna, Upper Pliocene of Idaho Hibbard, Claude W.; Bjork, Philip R. In: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology
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P.S.2024,80.26.3 Aaptoryctes (Palaeoryctidae) and Thelysia (Palaeoryctidae?): new insectivorous mammals from the late Paleocene and early Eocene of western North America Gingerich, Philip D. In: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology
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P.S.2024,80.26.4 Studies on Paleocene and early Eocene Apatemyidae (Mammalia, Insectivora): I. Dentition of Clarkforkian Labidolemur kayi ; II. Labidolemur and Apatemys from the early Wasatchian of the Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming Gingerich, Philip D.; Rose, Kenneth D. In: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology
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P.S.2024,80.26.11 New Adapisoricidae, Pentacodontidae, and Hyopsodontidae (Mammalia, Insectivora and Condylarthra) from the late Paleocene of Wyoming and Colorado Gingerich, Philip D. In: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology
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P.S.1856,80.1973 Galerix und Lanthanotherium (Erinaceidae, Insectivora) aus dem Pannon des Wiener Beckens Rabeder, Gernot In: Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie: Monatshefte ; 1973
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P.S.476,80.193 Die Kleinsäugerfauna von Götzendorf, Niederösterreich Bachmayer, Friedrich; Wilson, Robert W. In: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Sitzungsberichte: Abteilung I ; 193
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![Volltext-Dokument vorhanden Volltext-Dokument vorhanden](images/icon_pdf.jpg) |
P.S.476,80.160 Die Fauna der miozänen Spaltenfüllung von Neudorf an der March (CSSR): Insectivora Zapfe, Helmuth In: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Sitzungsberichte: Abteilung I ; 160
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Insectivora', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 56