Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Hydrothermale Erzlagerstätte', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 26
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P.S.1923,80.F.28 Slovak Ore Mountains: Origin of hydrothermal mineralization and environmental impacts of mining: IMA2010 Field Trip Guide SK2 Hurai, Vratislav; Chovan, Martin; Huraiova, Monika; Kodera, Peter; Konečný, Patrik; Lexa, Ondrej In: Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica: Field Guide Series
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P.S.2224,80.27 Geodynamics and Ore Deposit Evolution in Europe Blundell, Derek; Arndt, Nicholas; Cobbold, Peter R.; Heinrich, Christoph In: Ore geology reviews
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P.S.1923,80.F.27 Rock-forming and accessory minerals as tracers of magmatic and metamorphic evolution of the Western Carpathians, Slovakia: IMA2010 Field Trip Guide SK1 Uher, Pavel; Broska, Igor In: Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica: Field Guide Series
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48657,80 Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits Barnes, Hubert Lloyd |
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48533,80 Complexing and Hydrothermal Ore Deposition Helgeson, Harold C. |
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P.S.2435,80.1 Fluid-Mineral equilibria in hydrothermal systems Henley, Richard W.; Truesdell, A. H.; Barton, Paul B.; Whitney, James A. In: Reviews in Economic Geology
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50752,80 Massive Sulphides - Resources from the Deep Sea Petersen, Sven; Smith, Nancy; GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel |
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P.S.2702,80.10 Graphitic Carbon Beyssac, Olivier; Rumble, Douglas In: Elements
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52760,80 Ore deposit geology Ridley, John |
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53041,80 Mineral Deposits of North Africa Bouabdellah, Mohammed; Slack, John F. |
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P.S.2435,80.10 Techniques in hydrothermal ore deposits geology Richards, Jeremy P.; Larson, Peter B. In: Reviews in Economic Geology
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P.S.2435,80.14 Structural controls on ore genesis Richards, Jeremy P.; Tosdal, Richard M. In: Reviews in Economic Geology
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12868,40-Per.6 Southwest Pacific Rim Gold-Copper Systems: Structure, Alteration, and Mineralization Corbett, Greg J.; Leach, Terry M. In: Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) Special Publication
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40611,80-Per.1966 Golderze in den Hohen Tauern Preuschen, Ernst In: Schätze aus Österreichs Boden
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40611,80-Per.1966 Golderze in den Hohen Tauern Preuschen, Ernst In: Schätze aus Österreichs Boden
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P.S.32,80.87 Die Vererzung in der Krabachmasse östlich von Zürs am Arlberg Koch, Klaus Erich In: Notizblatt des Hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung ; 87
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P.S.2224,80.27 1: Subduction, slab detachment and mineralization: The Neogene in the Apuseni Mountains and Carpathians Neubauer, Franz; Lips, Andor; Kouzmanov, Kalin; Lexa, Jaroslav; Ivascanu, Paul In: Geodynamics and Ore Deposit Evolution in Europe
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48225,80-Per.19.1 Fluid-rock interaction in the bottom of the inland seismogenic zone
In: Island Arc ; 19.1
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13721,40 Mn2+-allanite and rare Co-Ni-As sulfides from the Veitsch Mn deposit (Styria) Girtler, Daniela; Tropper, P. In: PANGEO AUSTRIA 2012: geo.wissenschaften plus praxis: 10th Anniversary: 15 -20 Sept Salzburg: Abstracts
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P.S.1255,40.20.1 Vortrag zur Verleihung des Otto-Ampferer-Preises: The transport of copper in hydrothermal ore deposits: how does it really work? Lerchbaumer, L. In: PANGEO Austria 14-19/09 2014 Graz: 100 Jahre nach Eduard Suess: Beitragskurzfassungen
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Hydrothermale Erzlagerstätte', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 26