Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Epithermale Lagerstätte', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 15
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P.S.1069,80.422 Geology of Mexico: Celebrating the Centenary of the Geological Society of Mexico Alaniz-Alvarez, Susana A.; Nieto-Samaniego, Angel F. In: Geological Society of America Special Paper
2 |
A 16175-R Endbericht zum Teilprojekt "Epithermale Goldvererzungen in der Takab-Region, NW-Iran" Paar, H.; Putz, Hubert |
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11274,40 Geochemical variations of alkaline rocks as vector to epithermal gold mineralization Müller, Daniel |
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P.S.2435,80.2 Geology and Geochemistry of Epithermal Systems Berger, Byron R.; Bethke, Philip M. In: Reviews in Economic Geology
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50300,80.3 Erzlagerstätten: 3. Lehrbrief: Lagerstätten der hydrothermalen Abfolge Oelsner, Oscar; Krüger, E.; Bergakademie Freiberg |
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14051,40.2 Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world: 12th Biennial SGA Meeting, 12-15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden: Proceedings: Volume 2 Jonsson, Erik; Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits |
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14243,40 Die Situation des Bergbaues in Nicaragua unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Gold-Kleinbergbaues und die Epithermalen Goldquarzgänge von Sto. Domingo, Chontales Rakaseder, Stefan |
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53041,80 Mineral Deposits of North Africa Bouabdellah, Mohammed; Slack, John F. |
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48526,80-Per.20 Epithermal Gold Mineralization, Wenatchee and Liberty Districts, Central Washington: Prepared for the Society of Economic Geologists Field Trip October 28-29, 1994 Margolis, Jacob In: Guidebook Series of the Society of Economic Geologists
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48526,80-Per.34 Epithermal Gold Mineralization and Modern Analogues, Kyushu, Japan: Guidebook Prepared for the Society of Economic Geologists Field Trip 28 October - 3 November 2001 Feebrey, Craig A.; Hayashi, Toshihiko; Taguchi, Sachihiro In: Guidebook Series of the Society of Economic Geologists
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P.S.839,80.79 Genesis of magnesite deposits - models and trends Pohl, Walter In: Mineral Deposits: Geology - Mineralogy - Geochemistry - Geophysics - Exploration: A selection of papers presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung "Mineral Deposits" helad at the Montan-Universität Leoben, Austria February 15-18, 1989
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P.S.2224,80.27 1: Subduction, slab detachment and mineralization: The Neogene in the Apuseni Mountains and Carpathians Neubauer, Franz; Lips, Andor; Kouzmanov, Kalin; Lexa, Jaroslav; Ivascanu, Paul In: Geodynamics and Ore Deposit Evolution in Europe
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P.S.732,80.163 Mineralogische Streifzüge zu epi- und mesothermalen Lagerstätten Argentiniens und Boliviens Paar, Werner H.; Putz, Hubert; Topa, Dan In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft ; 163
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The Chah-Mesi epithermal Cu-Pb-Zn-(Ag-Au) deposit and its link to the Meiduk porphyry copper deposit, SE Iran: Evidence from sulfosalt chemistry and fluid inclusions Altenberger, Florian; Raith, Johann G.; Bakker, Ronald J.; Zarasvandi, Alireza In: Ore Geology Reviews ; 142
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P.S.1801,80.D.41 Das Antimonvorkommen bei Wolfersgrün/Frankenwald Dill, Harald In: Geologisches Jahrbuch: Reihe D ; 41
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Epithermale Lagerstätte', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 15