Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Eoalpidische Metamorphose', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 25
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7801,40 Zur Metamorphose des nördlichen Silvrettakristallins Amann, Andreas |
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40386,80 Geodynamics of the Eastern Alps Flügel, Helmut Walter; Faupl, Peter |
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P.S.1835,80.204 Formation of Alpine mylonites and pseudotachylytes at the base of the Silvretta nappe, Eastern Alps Koch, Norbert; Masch, Ludwig In: Frictional Melting Processes and Products in geological Materials
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P.S.732,80.148 Marbles as petrogenetic indicators of increasing eo-alpine metamorphic grade in the Ortler Crystalline Nocker, Claudia; Tropper, Peter; Mair, V. In: MinPet 2003: 15-21. September 2003 Neukirchen am Grossvenediger/Salzburg: Abstracts
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P.S.732,80.146 Pressure dominated eo-alpine metamorphism of the austroalpine units of the Eastern Alps: new data from the Wölz Komplex Hoinkes, Georg; Faryad, W.; Proyer, A. In: MinPet 2001, 24. - 26. September 2001, Vienna: Anniversary Meeting Österreichische Mineralogische Gesellschaft (ÖMG) 1901 - 2001
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P.S.732,80.139 Fluidentwicklung und Skapolithbildung in metamorphen Gesteinen der Saualpe Raith, Johann G.; Högelsberger, Heinz In: Pre-Alpine Crust in Austria: Final Conference of the National Research Project S 47 - GEO held from April 6th to 10th 1994 in Krems, Lower Austria
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P.S.1853,80.131 Zur Mineralchemie und Metamorphose toniger und mergeliger Zwischenlagen in Marmoren des südwestlichen Schneebergzuges (Ötztaler Alpen, Südtirol) Hoinkes, Georg In: Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie: Abhandlungen ; 131
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P.S.169,80.3.F.77 P-T gradient of Eo-Alpine metamorphism within the Austroalpine basement units east of the Tauern Window (Austria) Faryad, Shah Wali; Hoinkes, Georg In: Mineralogy and Petrology ; 77
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P.S.916,80.66 Eoalpine metamorphism of the Austroalpine Schneeberg - Complex and the adjacent Ötztal crystalline basement (summary) Hoinkes, Georg In: Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen ; 66
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P.S.1767,80.25 Tectonic Information of Metamorphic Disequilibria: Examples from the High Grade Eoalpine of the Koralpe Stüwe, Kurt In: 5th Workshop of Alpine Geological Studies September 18 - 20, 2001 Obergurgl, Tyrol, Austria
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P.S.2125,80.A.11 Contemoraneous formation of pseudotachylites and mylonites at the base of the Silvretta nappe, Eastern Alps Koch, Norbert; Masch, Ludwig In: TSK IV: 4. Symposium Tektonik - Strukturgeologie - Kristallingeologie 26. - 28.März 1992
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40371,80 The Austroalpine Unit West of the Hohe Tauern: The Ötztal - Stubai Complex as an Example for the Eoalpine Metamorphic Evolution Frank, Wolfgang; Hoinkes, Georg; Purtscheller, Fridolin; Thöni, Martin In: Geodynamics of the Eastern Alps
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40371,80 Petrography of the Schneeberg Complex Hoinkes, Georg; Frank, Wolfgang; Mauracher, Josef; Peschel, Ronald; Purtscheller, Fridolin; Tessadri, Richard In: Geodynamics of the Eastern Alps
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40371,80 Time Relations between Eoalpine Metamorphism and Thrusting: Evidence from the Crystalline Basement of the Eastern Greywacke Zone Neubauer, Franz Rupert; Frisch, Wolfgang; Hansen, Bent Tauber In: Geodynamics of the Eastern Alps
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40371,80 The Gurktal Thrust System within the Austroalpine Region: Some Structural and Geometrical Aspects Neubauer, Franz Rupert In: Geodynamics of the Eastern Alps
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40371,80 Rocks affected by Alpine Metamorphism only Purtscheller, Fridolin; Dietrich, Hans; Rammlmair, Dieter; Tessadri, Richard In: Geodynamics of the Eastern Alps
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40371,80 Eoalpine Metamorphism in the Crystalline Basement Purtscheller, Fridolin; Haas, Ruth; Hoinkes, Georg; Mogessie, Aberra; Tessadri, Richard; Veltman, Christian Bouke In: Geodynamics of the Eastern Alps
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40371,80 The Southern Ötztal Basement: Geochronical and Petrological Consequences of Eoalpine Metamorphic Overprinting Thöni, Martin; Hoinkes, Georg In: Geodynamics of the Eastern Alps
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40371,80 Structural Investigations along an EW-Cross-section in the Southern Ötztal Alps Van Gool, J. A. M.; Kemme, M. M. J.; Schreurs, G. M. M. F. In: Geodynamics of the Eastern Alps
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P.S.788,40 New data on the evolution of the Austroalpine basement: A U/Ps zircon study Neubauer, Franz Rupert; Frisch, Wolfgang; Hansen, Bent Tauber In: Terra cognita ; 7
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Eoalpidische Metamorphose', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 25