Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Entomologie', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 70
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P.S.184,80.487 Community Dynamics of Small Mammals in Mature and Logged Atlantic White Cedar Swamps of the New Jersey Pine Barrens Craig, Lyda J.; Dobkin, David S. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.482 The Freshwater Snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of New York State Jokinen, Eileen H. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.461 Asa Fitch and the Emergence of American Entomology: With an Entomological Bibliography and a Catalog of Taxonomic Names and Type Specimens Barnes, Jeffrey K. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.460 The Nearctic Melanomya and Relatives (Diptera: Calliphoridae): A Problem in Calyptrate Classification Downes, William L. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.452 Larvae of North American Eukiefferiella and Tvetenia (Diptera: Chironomidae) Bode, Robert W. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.447 A Guide to Basic Taxonomic Literature for the Genera of North American Chironomidae (Diptera) - Adults, Pupae, and Larvae Simpson, Karl W. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.434 Catalogue of the Types in the New York State Museum Insect Collection McCabe, Timothy L.; Johnson, Linnea M. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.432 A Reclassification of the Polia Complex for North America (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) McCabe, Timothy L. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.430 Mosquitoes of New York: Part II Genera of Culicidae other than Aedes Occurring in New York Means, Robert G. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.430 Mosquitoes of New York: Part I The Genus Aedes Meigen with Identification Keys to Genera of Culicidae Means, Robert G. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.422 Entomology Projects for Elementary and Secondary Schools Wilcox, John A. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.421 A Review of the North American Chrysomeline Leaf Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Wilcox, John A. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.416 The Mammals of Long Island, New York Connor, Paul F. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.415 The Behavioral Patterns of the Eastern Bluebirg (Sialia sialis) Krieg, David C. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.406 The Mammals of the Tug Hill Plateau, New York Connor, Paul F. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.402 The Interrelationships of Three Gall Makers and Their Natural Enemies, on Hackberry (Celtis Occidentalis L.) Moser, John Conrad In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.400 A Synopsis of the North American Galerucinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Wilcox, John A. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.399 The Culicoides of New York State (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) Jamnback, Hugo In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.366 The Development and Application of a Sequential Sampling Plan for Forest Tent Caterpillar in New York Connola, D. P.; Waters, W. E.; Smith, W. E. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
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P.S.184,80.355 The Crayfishes of New York State (Decapoda, Astacidae) Crocker, Denton W. In: New York State Museum Bulletin
Sie haben gesucht nach Schlagwort: 'Entomologie', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 70