Sie haben gesucht nach Geograf. Schlagwort: 'Zentralasien', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 70
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P.S.1835,80.328 Continental Growth in the Phanerozoic: Evidence from Central Asia: Selected papers presented at the IGCP-420 First Workshop "Continental Growth in the Phanerozoic: Evidence from East-Central Asia", Urumqi, Xinjiang, China, 27 July to 3 August 1998, sponsored by IGCP (UNESCO) and National Natural Science Foundation of China Jahn, Bor-ming; Griffin, W. L.; Windley, Brian F. In: Tectonophysics
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P.S.2433,80.A.53 Auswirkungen von Gletscherschwund auf die Wasserspende hochalpiner Gebiete, Vergleich Alpen - Zentralasien Hagg, Wilfried In: Münchener Geographische Abhandlungen: Reihe A
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24337,80.14 Die Landschaftstypen der innerasiatischen Wüstengebiete Reinhard, Walter In: Badische geographische Abhandlungen
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49503,80 Adapting to climate change in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Fay, Marianne; Block, Rachel I.; Ebinger, Jane |
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46591,80 Biostratigrafija Pogranicnych Otlozenij Silura i Devona Sokolov, B. S.; Iwanowski, A. B.; Academy of Sciences of the USSR / Sibirian Branch / Institute of Geology and Geophysics |
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46585,80 Teorija i opyt ekostratigrafii Kaljo, D.; Klaamann, E.; Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR / Institute of Geology |
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46575,80 Stratigrafija i foraminifery srednego karbona central'nych Kyzylkum Rumjanceva, Zoja Sergeevna; Sredneaziatskij Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Geologii i Mineral'nogo Syr'ja <Taschkent> |
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46574,80 Field Excursion Guidebook for the Carboniferous Sections of Middle Asia Permanent International Committee of the Congresses on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology |
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43049,80 Stratigrafija, Litologija, Geochimija i Rudonosnost' verchnego rifeja - venda srednej azii, Kazachstana, Sibiri Akademija Nauk Respubliki Kyrgyzstan / Institut Geologii |
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42525,80 Teoreticeskaja geomorfologija kajnozoj vnytrennej azii: (Tezisy dokladov naucnych ctenij pamjati N.A. Florensova, 28 - 30 Janvarja 1988 goda) Logacev, N. A.; Ufimcev, G. F.; Akademija Nauk SSSR / Sibirskoe Otdelenie / Institut Zemnoj Kory |
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42099,80 Novye dannye po ranne-i srednepaleozojskim brachiopodam SSSR: Informacionnye materialy Puckov, V. N.; Akademija Nauk SSSR / Uralskoe Otdelenie / Institut Geologii i Geochimii |
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42097,80 Novye dannye po geologii Urala i srednej azii: Informacionnye materialy Puckov, V. N.; Akademija Nauk SSSR / Uralskoe Otdelenie / Institut Geologii i Geochimii |
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36074,80 Paleogidrogeologiceskij analiz pri metallogenicewkich issledovanijach Baskov, Evgenij Alekseevic; Ministerstvo Geologii SSSR |
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34487,80 Dokembrij juscnogo Tjan-Schanja i Kyzylkumov Bel'kova, Ljudmila Nikolaevna; Ognev, Vasilij Nikolaevic; Kangro, Oleg Georgievic; Ministerstvo Geologii SSSR; Sowjetunion / Ministerstvo Vyssego i Srednego Special'nogo Obrazovanija |
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23593,80 Za nedra srednej azii: No 2
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10219,40 Türkce Konusan Ülkeler 3. Yerbilimleri ve Madencilik Konferansi: Sunumlar
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P.S.1300,40.2 International Symposium Environmental Change in Central Asia: - Climate, - Geodynamics, - Evolution, - Human Impact: March 10-15, 2003, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany;Abstracts Mischke, S.; Wuennemann, B.; Riedel, F. In: Berliner paläobiologische Abhandlungen
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P.S.1427,40.2011.1 Naturgefahren und Frühwarnsysteme Bens, Oliver In: System Erde
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13782,40 Explanatory Notes for the Mineral Resources Map of Central Asia 1:3,000,000 Kamitani, Masaharu; Ohno, Tetsuji; Okumura, Kimio; Teraoka, Yoji; Watanabe, Yasushi; Geological Survey of Japan |
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P.S.932,40.311 Hydrological and ecological responses to climatic change and to land-use/land-cover changes in central Asia Feng, Zhaodong (Jordan) In: Quaternary International
Sie haben gesucht nach Geograf. Schlagwort: 'Zentralasien', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 70