Sie haben gesucht nach Geograf. Schlagwort: 'South Australia (Staat)', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 18
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P.S.1274,80.196 Reconnaissance gravity surveys in WA and SA 1969-1972 Fraser, A. R.; Pettifer, G. R. In: Bulletin Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics
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P.S.728,40.54 The geology of South Australia. Vol.1.: The Precambrian Drexel, John F.; Preiss, Wolfgang Victor; Parker, A. J. In: Bulletin of the Geological Survey of South Australia
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P.S.685,40.54 Engineering-geology of Little Para Dam Boucaut, W. R. P.; Beal, J. C. In: Geological Survey of South Australia Report of Investigations
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P.S.728,40.53 The Adelaide Geosyncline: Late Proterozoic stratigraphy, sedimentation, palaeontology and tectonics Preiss, Wolfgang Victor; Coats, R. P. In: Bulletin of the Geological Survey of South Australia
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P.S.728,40.52 Stratigraphy and tectonics of the Worumba anticline and associated intrusive breccias Preiss, Wolfgang Victor In: Bulletin of the Geological Survey of South Australia
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P.S.685,40.52 Geological Investigations Tarcoola - Alice Springs Railway McNally, G. H. In: Geological Survey of South Australia Report of Investigations
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P.S.728,40.50 Precambrian and Palaeozoic Geology of the Peake and Denison Ranges Ambrose, G. J.; Flint, R. B.; Webb, A. W. In: Bulletin of the Geological Survey of South Australia
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P.S.685,40.49 Stratigraphy and Palaeoenvironmental Interpretation of the Brighton Limestone South of Adelaide and its Equivalents in the Orroroo Region Preiss, Wolfgang Victor; Kinsman, J. E. In: Geological Survey of South Australia Report of Investigations
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P.S.728,40.48 Underground Water Resources of South Australia Shepherd, R. G. In: Bulletin of the Geological Survey of South Australia
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P.S.728,40.47 The Sedimentology of the Cambrian Wirrealpa and Aroona Creek Limestones Youngs, Bridget C. In: Bulletin of the Geological Survey of South Australia
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39871,80-Per.9 Quaternary Molluscs of South Australia Ludbrook, Nelly Hooper In: South Australia Department of Mines and Energy Handbook
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39871,80-Per.8 Geology and the Adelaide environment Selby, Jonathan In: South Australia Department of Mines and Energy Handbook
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P.S.2014,80.7 South Australia's Mining-heritage Selby, Jonathan In: Department of Mines and Energy South Australia Special Publication
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P.S.2014,80.4 Mine and quarry rehabilitation in South Australia
In: Department of Mines and Energy South Australia Special Publication
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39871,80-Per.1 Handbook on Quarrying Dutton, Alan Hewitt In: South Australia Department of Mines and Energy Handbook
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15005,40 Olympic Dam Project: Draft Environmental Impact Statement Kinhill-Stearns Roger Joint Venture |
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P.S.1762,80.17.7 Lower Cambrian Archaeocyatha from the Ajax Mine, Beltana, South Australia Debrenne, Francoise In: Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology series
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P.S.1469,80.SI.54-2 Olary, South Australia Forbes, B. G. In: 1:250 000 geological series - Explanatory Notes
Sie haben gesucht nach Geograf. Schlagwort: 'South Australia (Staat)', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 18