Sie haben gesucht nach Geograf. Schlagwort: 'Negev (Wüste)', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 19
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P.S.1305,80.79 Middle Triassic Cephalopods from the Negev (Israel) and Sinai (Egypt): with an introduction on the Trissic period in Israel Parnes, Abraham; Zak, Isreal In: Geological Survey of Israel Bulletin
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P.S.1305,80.73 The Geochemistry of the Northern and Central Negev Phosphorites (Southern Israel) Nathan, Yaacov; Gal, Irene In: Geological Survey of Israel Bulletin
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P.S.1305,80.69 Distribution of Middle and Upper Jurassic Calcareous Nannofossils in the Northeastern Negev, Israel and in Gebel Maghara, Northern Sinai Ehrlich, A.; Moshkovitz, Shimon In: Geological Survey of Israel Bulletin
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P.S.1305,80.60 Configuration of the buried surface of the Precambrian and the Stratigraphy of the Paleozoic on the Central Negev: Indications from magneto-telluric meassurements Weissbrod, T.; Klang, A. In: Geological Survey of Israel Bulletin
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44282,80 Desert aeolian processes Tchakerian, Vatche P. |
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P.S.2210,80.8 Groundwater recharge: a guide to understanding and estimating natural recharge Lerner, David N.; Issar, Arie S.; Simmers, Ian In: International Contributions to Hydrogeology
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P.S.1539,80.19 'Arava Valley Bentor, Yaacov K.; Vroman, 'Aqiba In: Geological Map of Israel 1:100.000
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P.S.1539,80.16.rev.ed. Mount Sdom Bentor, Yaacov K.; Vroman, Aqiva In: Geological Map of Israel 1:100.000
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P.S.1546,80.53.1/2 100 Jahre Geographie an der Universität Basel
In: Regio Basiliensis - Basler Zeitschrift für Geographie
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P.S.932,40.464.A Humans and quaternary environments in the Levant: In honour of Professor Mina Weinstein-Evron Rosenberg, Danny; Yeshurun, Reuven In: Quaternary International
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P.S.481,80.83 Ein Nothosaurier-Schädel aus dem Muschelkalk des Wadi Ramon (Negev, Israel) Haas, Georg In: Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien ; 83
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SE 4536-A Miocene Mammals of the Negev (Israel) Tchernov, E.; Ginsburg, L.; Tassy, Pascal; Goldsmith, N. F. In: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology ; 7
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7741,40-Per.120 Evolution of the oceanic circulation on the southern Tethyan margin during the Late Cretaceous Freslon, Nicolas; Pucéat, Emmanuelle; Abramovich, Sigal; Ashckenazi-Polivoda, Sarit; Cappetta, Henri; Deconinck, Jean-François; Pellenard, Pierre; Thomazo, Christophe; Chenot, Elise In: 10th International Symposium on the Cretaceous, Vienna, August 21–26, 2017 - Abstracts
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P.S.384,40.A.21 Untersuchungen an vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Kupferverhüttungs-Schlacken Bachmann, Hans-Gert In: Zeitschrift für Erzbergbau und Metallhüttenwesen ; 21
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P.S.732,80.163 Ariegilatite, a new mineral with modular structure Krüger, Biljana; Galuskin, E. V.; Galuskina, I. O.; Krüger, H.; Vapnik, Y.; Wojdyla, J. A.; Murashko, M. In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft ; 163
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P.S.732,80.163 A potentially new mineral with a modular structure based on ntiperovskite layers Krüger, Biljana; Galuskin, E. V.; Galuskina, I. O.; Krüger, H.; Vapnik, Y.; Olieric, V.; Pauluhn, A. In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft ; 163
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P.S.732,80.165 Structural investigations on Bredigite (Ca₇Mg(SiO₄)₄) from the Hatrurim complex Kahlenberg, Volker; Galuskina, Irina; Krüger, B.; Pauluhn, A.; Galuskin, E. V. In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft ; 165
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P.S.732,80.165 Potentially new Ba, Fe-melilite from Gurim Anticline, Hatrurim Complex, Israel Krzatala, Arkadiusz; Krüger, B.; Galuskina, I. O.; Krüger, H.; Vapnik, Y.; Galuskin, E. V. In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft ; 165
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P.S.1798,80.55.3 Integrated calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifera biostratigraphy as tool to date serpentinite mud production for Fantangisna seamount on the Mariana forearc (IODP Expedition 266) Del Gaudio, Arianna V.; Piller, Werner E.; Auer, Gerald; Kurz, Walter In: Newsletters on Stratigraphy ; 55.3
Sie haben gesucht nach Geograf. Schlagwort: 'Negev (Wüste)', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 19