Sie haben gesucht nach Geograf. Schlagwort: 'Karakorum', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 103
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P.S.932,40.236 Quaternary paleoenvironmental change and landscape development in Tibet and the bordering mountains Yi, Chaolu; Dortch, Jason M.; Zhou, Liping; Owen, Lewis A. In: Quaternary International
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36350,80-Per.231 The Work of the Italians in the Scientific Exploration of the Karakorum (Central Asia) Desio, Ardito In: Quaderno Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
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35154,80-Per.170 Tectonics of the Nanga Parbat Syntaxis and the Western Himalaya Asif Khan, M.; Treloar, Peter J.; Searle, Michael P.; Qasim Jan, M. In: Geological Society Special Publication
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P.S.1842,80.116 On High-Grade Metamorphism, Crustal Melting, Migmatites and Granites: A Special Issue in Honour of Jakob Johannes Sederholm Brown, Michael; Eklund, Olav; Korhonen, Fawna; Sorjonen-Ward, Peter; Buick, I. S. In: Lithos
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P.S.1279,80.106 Die Schuttkörper in Hochasien: Eine geomorphologische Bestandsaufnahme und Typologie postglazialer Hochgebirgsschuttkörper im Hindukusch, Karakorum und Himalaya Iturrizaga, Lasafam In: Göttinger Geographische Abhandlungen
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P.S.919,80.Suppl.76 Quaternary of the Karakoram and Himalaya Derbyshire, Edward; Owen, Lewis A. In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie: Supplementband
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35154,80-Per.74 Himalayan Tectonics Treloar, P. J.; Searle, M. P. In: Geological Society Special Publication
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46438,80 Welt der Alpen - Gebirge der Welt: Ressourcen, Akteure, Perspektiven Jeanneret, François; Wastl-Walter, Doris; Wiesmann, Urs; Schwyn, Markus; Liechti, Karina In: Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern
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7741,40-Per.43 8th Himalaya Karakorum Tibet Workshop Vienna, 29.3. - 2.4.1993: Abstract Volume
In: Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt
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P.S.728,80.32.1-PRO1-B15 A geological transect from the Indian Plate to the East Hindu Kush, Pakistan Gaetani, M.; Burg, J. P.; Zanchi, A.; Jan, Q. M. In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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P.S.805,40.19.3.A 16th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop 3 - 5 April 2001 Seggau, Austria: Special Abstracts Issue Grasemann, Bernhard; Stüwe, Kurt In: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
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8420,40 Geology and Tectonics of the Karakoram Mountains Searle, Mike P. |
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45043,80 French Earth Sciences research in Himalaya regions Le Fort, Patrick |
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44611,80 Gemstones of Pakistan: Geology and Gemmology Kazmi, Ali H.; O'Donoghue, Michael |
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43463,80 Himalaya to the Sea: Geology, Geomorphology and the Quaternary Shroder, John F. Jr. |
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23057,80 Expedicion Italiana al Karakoram 1929 (Baltoro y valles Shaksgam y Punmah) Saboya-Aosta, Aimone de |
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11647,40 12. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft 19. - 21. Mai 2006 Bad Vöslau: Tagungsprogramm - Abstracts - Exkursionen Harzhauser, Mathias; Wanzenböck, Gerhard; Zuschin, Martin |
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10123,40 Geology of the Upper Shaksgam Valley, North-East Karakorum, Xinjiang (Sinkiang) Desio, Ardito |
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10122,40 Geodesy, Geophysics and Geology of the Upper Shaksgam Valley (North-East Karakorum) and South Sinkiang Desio, Ardito; Caporali, Alessandro; Gosso, Guido; Pognante, Ugo; Gaetani, Maurizio; Palmieri, Francesco; Rampini, Luigi |
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10117,40 9th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop April 1-4, 1994, Kathmandu, Nepal: Field Guide Book: Field excursion No 1 Siwaliks of the Surai Khola-Butwal area and the Lesser Himalayan rocks between Butwal and Pokhara March 28-31, 1994 Gautam, P.; Dhital, Megh Raj; Nepal Geological Society |
Sie haben gesucht nach Geograf. Schlagwort: 'Karakorum', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 103