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1 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.2003,80.41.7
Himalayan Geology seminar New Dehli 1976
Gupta, Shri B. D.
In: Geological Survey of India Miscellaneous Publication
2 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.728,80.22.18
Definition of Geologic Systems
Hedberg, Hollis D.; International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Terminology
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
3 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.728,80.22.17
General Proceedings
Sundaram, R. K.; Iyengar, S. V. P.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Other subjects: Proceedings of Section 16
Karunakaran, C.; Aswathanarayana, U.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Sedimentary geology and sedimentation: Proceedings of Section 15
Mathur, S. M.; Sastri, V. V.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Laterite: Proceedings of Section 14
Chowdhury, M. K. Roy; Kharkwal, A. D.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Charnockites: Proceedings of Section 13
Subramaniam, A. P.; Leelananda Rao, N.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Geohydrology: Proceedings of Section 12
Baweja, B. K.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Himalayan and Alpine Orogeny: Proceedings of Section 11
Kohli, G.; Krishnaswamy, V. S.; Valdiya, K. S.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Archaean and Pre-Cambrian Geology: Proceedings of Section 10
Subramanyam, M. R.; Saha, A. K.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Gonswanas: Proceedings of Section 9
Mehte, D. R. S.; Ahmad, F.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Palaeontology and Stratigraphy: Proceedings of Section 8
Tripathi, C.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Plateau Basalts: Proceedings of Section 7
Sukheswala, R. N.; Vemban, N. A.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Minerals and Genesis of Pegmatites: Proceedings of Section 6
Shukla, K. D.; De, A.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Genetic problems of ores: Proceedings of Section 5
Narayanaswami, S.; Varadan, V. K. S.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Report of the Twenty-Second Session India 1964: Part IV: Proceedings of Section 4: Rock deformation and tectonics
Pande, I. C.; Sarkar, S. N.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Cretaceous-tertiary boundary including volcanic activity: Proceedings ofSection 3
Sastry, M. V. A.; Bhatia, S. B.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Geological results of applied geophysics: Proceedings of Section 2
Kailasam, L. N.; Roy, Amalendu
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Geology of petroleum: Proceedings of Section 1
Dutt, G. N.; Deshpande, B. G.
In: International Geological Congress (IGC)
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Group Discussions on the Geological and Geophysical Results of the International Indian Ocean Expedition: Abstracts of Papers

In: International Geological Congress (IGC)