Sie haben gesucht nach Geograf. Schlagwort: 'Broken Hill', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 14
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P.S.887,80.32 Metallogenic studies of the Broken Hill and Euriowie Blocks, New South Wales: 1. Styles of mineralization in the Broken Hill Block: 2. Mineral deposits of the Southwestern Broken Hill Block Barnes, Robert G. In: Bulletin of the Geological Survey of New South Wales
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P.S.887,80.28 Non-metallic and tin Deposits of the Broken Hill district Lishmund, S. R. In: Bulletin of the Geological Survey of New South Wales
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P.S.97,40.22.2 A summary record of mineral deposits in the Broken Hill Block: excluding the southeastern portion Barnes, Robert G. In: Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales
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P.S.732,80.137 The Broken Hill Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, Australia Plimer, Ian In: MinPet 92: Tagung der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft Stainz, 27. September bis 2. Oktober 1992: Kubiena-Symposium
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P.S.812,80.82.1 Distribution of silver in the Broken Hill orebody Both, R. A.; Stumpfl, Eugen F. In: Economic Geology ; 82.1-4
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P.S.384,40.A.40 Large lead-zinc deposits with special reference to Broken Hill and Mount Isa, Australien Plimer, Ian R. In: Erzmetall ; 40
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P.S.384,40.A.54 Zur Frage des Silbergeghaltes archaischer Blei-Silber-Gruben Krysko, Wladimir W. In: Erzmetall ; 54
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P.S.384,40.A.36 100 Jahre Broken Hill Hampel, Hans R. In: Erzmetall ; 36
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K III 4335 Geological Section across the Barrier Range, Broken Hill District Scale Chains Andrews, E. C. |
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K III 2415 Geological Map of the Country in the Vicinity of the De Bavay Fault Broken Hill 1:4.877 Andrews, E. C.; New South Wales / Department of Mines |
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K III 1900 Broken Hill Block Southwest 1/50.000: Metallogenic Map Barnes, R. G.; Geological Survey of New South Wales |
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K II 3755 Geological Map of Broken Hill and immediate neighbourhood Andrews, E. C.; New South Wales / Department of Mines |
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K II 3755.4 Geological Map showing the northern termination of the Broken Hill Basin at Poole Hills Scale Chains: A Northerly extension of the Geological Map of Broken Hill and neighbourhood Andrews, E. C.; New South Wales / Department of Mines |
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K III 1900.2 Reference for 1:50,000 Metallogenic Maps of the Broken Hill Block and Euriowie Blocks Barnes, R. G.; Stevens, B. P. J.; Geological Survey of New South Wales |
Sie haben gesucht nach Geograf. Schlagwort: 'Broken Hill', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 14