Sie haben gesucht nach Geograf. Schlagwort: 'Arabisches Meer', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 24
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P.S.545,40.313 Orbital forcing of the late Pleistocene boreal summer monsoon: Links to North Atlantic cold events and El Niño - Southern Oscillation Ziegler, Martin In: Geologica Ultraiectina
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P.S.545,40.301 Present and past contribution of anaerobic ammonium oxidation to nitrogen cycling as revealed by ladderane lipids Jaeschke, Andrea In: Geologica Ultraiectina
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P.S.545,40.283 Respiration in ocean margin sediments Andersson, Johan Henrik In: Geologica Ultraiectina
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P.S.545,40.276 TEX86 paleothermometry: proxy validation and application in marine sediments Huguet, Carme In: Geologica Ultraiectina
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P.S.2184,80.229 Lobes in deep-sea turbidite systems Mulder, T. In: Sedimentary Geology
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35154,80-Per.195 The Tectonic and Climatic Evolution of the Arabian Sea Region Clift, Peter D.; Kroon, Dick; Gaedicke, Christoph; Craig, Jonathan In: Geological Society Special Publication
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P.S.545,40.168 Pelagic, Hemipelagic and Turbidite Deposition in the Arabian Sea during the Late Quaternary: Unravelling the signals of eolian and fluvial sediment supply as functions of tectonics, sea-level and climate change by means of end-member modelling of siliciclastic grain-size distributions Prins, Maarten Arnoud In: Geologica Ultraiectina
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P.S.545,40.154 Late Quaternary variability of the Arabian Sea monsoon and Oxygen minimum zone Reichart, Gert-Jan In: Geologica Ultraiectina
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7594,40-Per.27 Zur Akkumulation von Staubsedimenten im nördlichen Indischen Ozean: Anzeiger der Klimageschichte Arabiens und Indiens Sirocko, Frank In: Berichte - Reports
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P.S.777,40.24 Recent Geoscientific Studies in the Arabian Sea off India: Papers presented in the Seminar held on September 23-25, 1987 at Mangalore, Karnataka Rao, B. R. In: Geological Survey of India Special Publication
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12457,40-Per.16 Stretching the crust and extending exploration frontiers Fraser, Scot I.; Lentini, Michael; Fraser, Alastair J. In: Petroleum Geoscience
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12772,40 Integrated Studies of evolution, taxonomy, ecology and geochemsitry: The Foraminifera and Nannofossil Groups' Joint Spring Meeting 4th and 5th June, 2009 in Zürich, Switzerland: Program and Abstracts
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P.S.932,40.250 Environmental dynamics and sedimentological response: selected papers Catto, Norm In: Quaternary International
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P.S.1929,80.196/197 Indian Ocean Monsoons: Land and Sea Record: Selected papers from the symposium "Neogene Climate of the Indian Ocean and the Indian Subcontinent", held in Kharagpur, India, March 29-30, 2001 Gupta, Anil K.; Anderson, David M.; Malmgren, Björn A. In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
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P.S.1735,80.104 New Horizons in the Oceans - the Darwin Symposium
In: Marine Geology
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P.S.919,80.N.F.57.Suppl.4 Reconstruction and Modeling of Palaeotsunami events: Multi-proxy Approaches, Geophysical Studies, Numerical Simulations Vött, Andreas; Reicherter, Klaus; Papanikolaou, Ioannis In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie: Neue Folge
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P.S.932,40.479 Reconstruction of the Late Quaternary Asian monsoonal intensity using marine and lake sediment cores Achyuthan, Hema; Yu, Pai-Sen In: Quaternary International
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P.S.63,80.157.1 Climate-tectonic interactions in the eastern Arabian Sea
In: Geological Magazine
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11647,40 Von Acroporen-Teppichen und Elefantenmuscheln: Oberoligozäne Karbonate der Arabischen Platte und ihre Bedeutung für die Entstehung der Indopazifischen Faunenprovinz [Vortrag] Kroh, Andreas; Harzhauser, Mathias; Piller, Werner E.; Reuter, Markus; Mandic, Oleg; Berning, Björn In: 12. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft 19. - 21. Mai 2006 Bad Vöslau: Tagungsprogramm - Abstracts - Exkursionen
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SE 4374-A Faziesverteilung in Sedimenten des indisch-pakistanischen Kontinentalrandes (Arabisches Meer) Stackelberg, Ulrich v. In: Meteor Forschungs-Ergebnisse: Reihe C ; 9
Sie haben gesucht nach Geograf. Schlagwort: 'Arabisches Meer', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 24