Sie haben gesucht nach Geograf. Schlagwort: 'Amazonas', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 41
1 |
P.S.1068,80.200 4-D Framework of Continental Crust Hatcher, Robert D. Jr.; Carlson, Marvin P.; McBride, John H.; Martínez Catalán, Jose Ramón In: Geological Society of America Memoir
2 |
48543,80-Per.22 7th International Congress of ICSOBA: Balatonalmadi, Hungary, June 22/26, 1992: Part I
In: Travaux du Comite International pour l'Etude des Bauxites, de l'Alumine et de l'Aluminium (ICSOBA)
3 |
40045,80-Per.22 The Geology of the Guiana Shield Gibbs, Allan K.; Barron, Christopher Norman In: Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics
4 |
P.S.2717,80.7.2 Large Ore Concentrations in Tectonized Areas: Third workshop of the IGCP Project No. 354, Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela - August 17-23, 1997: Part 1 Rodriguez, Simon E. In: Global Tectonics and Metallogeny
5 |
P.S.2717,80.3.2/3 Parameters Controlling the Distribution of Large Ore Deposits, Ore Clusters, Mineral Belts and Metallogenic Provinces - Part IV-2 & Part V: An international project organized by IAGOD/CTOD
In: Global Tectonics and Metallogeny
6 |
P.S.932,40.249 Long-term persepctives on human occupation of tropical rainforests Barton, Huw; Denham, Tim; Neumann, Katharina; Arroyo-Kalin, Manuel In: Quaternary International
7 |
P.S.1306,80.533 Observations on the specialized predatory behavior of the pitchfork-mandibled ponerine ant Thaumatomyrmex Paludis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Rabeling, Christian; Verhaagh, Manfred; Garcia, Marcos V. B. In: Breviora
8 |
P.S.1735,80.125 Marine Geology ; 125
In: Marine Geology
9 |
P.S.1735,80.125 Geological significance of sediment transport and accumulation on the Amazon continental shelf Nittrouer, Charles A.; Kuehl, Steven A. In: Marine Geology
10 |
9489,40-Per.31 Quaternary palaeoenvironmental proxies and processes - papers in honour of Professor Alayne Street-Perrott Holmes, Jonathan A.; Barker, Philip A.; Leng, Melanie J. In: Journal of Quaternary Science
11 |
52204,80.2 Technical Conference on Tin: Volume 2: London, 1967
12 |
P.S.932,40.448 Forests of plenty Roberts, Patrick In: Quaternary International
13 |
P.S.932,40.449 Special section on assessment of pre-last glacial to holocene southern hemisphere environments - Techniques, chronology, and integrations for the INQUA Shape Project Chase, Brian; Moss, Patrick; Phipps, Steven In: Quaternary International
14 |
P.S.932,40.488 The Fire-Human-Climate-Vegetation Nexus Vannière, Boris; Power, Mitchell In: Quaternary International
15 |
53349,80 Schatten über den Kordilleren: Peru - von den Urwäldern des Amazonas bis hinauf in eisige Wildnis der Cordillera-Sechstausender: Geheimnisvolle Inka-Stätten, Fronleichnam in Cuzco, einst Hauptstadt des Inkareiches Waschak, Erich; Harrer, Heinrich |
16 |
P.S.1739,80.86.2 Il mito del disegno: Espressioni figurative degli Asurini dell' Amazzonia Aimi, Antonio; Alessandrello, Anna In: Natura
17 |
P.S.154,80.E.33 Die Indianer am Cururu (Südwestpara): Ein Beitrag zur Anthropogeographie Amazoniens Zimmermann, Josef In: Bonner Geographische Abhandlungen
18 |
P.S.1306,80.572 A new species of Osteocephalus Steindachner, 1862 (Anura, Hylidae), from brazilian Amazonia Melo-Sampaio, Paulo Roberto; Ferrao, Miqueias; Moraes, Leandro Joao Carneiro de Lima In: Breviora
19 |
P.S.1306,80.573 A new snouted treefrog of the genus Scinax (Anura, Hylidae) from the White-Sand Forests of Central Amazonia Ferrao, Miqueias; Moravec, Jiri; Ferreira, Anthony S.; Moraes, Leandro J. C. L.; Hanken, James In: Breviora
20 |
54426,80 Landscapes of Inequity: Environmental Justice in the Andes-Amazon Region Robins, Nicholas A.; Fraser, Barbara J. |
Sie haben gesucht nach Geograf. Schlagwort: 'Amazonas', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 41